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Final Summary Post – Goodbye DS106

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Well, here is my LAST and FINAL blog post for the course (I think).  I’m going to jump right into the links for the week.

Final Project – Giant Jackson!  What an awesome assignment this was.  I really can’t explain how much fun I had making this and just spending time with video.  I would have to say, as you can see from my best category, that video was my favorite for sure.  This assignment took the cake though and I’m glad that I got to do something meaningful for my final project.  I hope you all enjoy looking at my post, reading about what I did, and looking at what I’ve created!  Please, if you have any suggestions, feel free to post them.  I like to get as much constructive criticism for future video projects that I possibly can!  I hope that you all see the love that I put into this video.  I really spent a lot of time with Jackson with this and really feel like the audience can connect with him and understand him as well.

What Is Storytelling? – I’m not sure that my perception of the thought has changed, but I’ve definitely gained a new appreciation for storytelling.  I think what I learned about this that I didn’t know before is that there are SO many different ways to tell a story.  I think I posted that there were an endless amount of possibilities, but there really truly are.  We have just touched the tip and I feel like I’ll be working with a lot of different medias in the future.  Thanks a lot DS106!

Tutorial #1 and Tutorial #2 – These are pretty self explanatory.  I had some good fun making these tutorials.  Again, these are tutorials that I can use (well, at least the one for my Mom).

Assignment #1 and Assignment #2 – These are the assignments that I did from my tutorials.  I spent a good amount of time on the one for my mom which was fun since I showed her and she’s actually going to be using it.  I haven’t received any phone calls from her since I made the videos!

Video Category – Video was obviously the most fun of the categories.  I love love love video (if you can’t tell) and I really do think that I actually learned a lot from the course to apply concepts to my videos.  I played around with angles, distance, sound, effects, etc.  There were tons of things that I’ve learned that I’ll be able to apply to my future videos.  Hopefully I can make some more and share them with DS106!

Paying It Forward – This is my advice for future students!  Go check out my video.

Well, DS106, this is it.  No more blog posts.  It’s been a fun ride, but it’s time to get off the roller coaster.  I’m graduating this semester and looking forward to a future in the real world!  I’m really glad that I got to take this course and I feel like this was probably my most favorite class at UMW!  Thank you for that experience.  It’s been real.  Peace out!

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