I really have enjoy this class a lot. it was one of those classes where everything is creativity and fun. There is no pressure or anything bad that will to anyone taking the class because its a way of telling story and making videos and audio as an excitement. I believe storytelling means that someone is exploring a great concept of either a mash-up, design or even audio as a sign of what the person wants everyone to listen to. To tell a story and to make people understand it is in my opinion a storytelling. Whats so fun about is the description of the story along with the main points.
What i gain from this course is more skills on all of the assignments. Using Photoshop and video programs helps me understand more of the tools that are good for my journalism career. I love the video programs because of the mash-ups and using different clips. I also love using the audio programs like sound cloud because its really exciting to experiment different usage of pranks and characters voices.
My best work were the audio and video assignments. The celebrity radio interview was good along with the character voices as if its a message machine. But the best one out of all of them is my final one because i never have done that before and it came out pretty well. Also the fact that no one has done it on YouTube so it makes it special.
What I would say to future students is to take your time in the class and explore a lot of options. At first it seems hard but when you get use to the assignments it becomes pretty fun and you might enjoy doing it. If I were in charge of the class I would not change anything because it is a intro class and its to just learn the basics. In spite of everything it was a enjoyable class.
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