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TDC’s Week 5

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Monday: Take a photo of someone other than you using your favorite type of technology.

Sandy my Dolphin Pillow Pet

This is a picture of my Dolphin pillow pet -Sandy. I used my iPhone to take the picture, which is my favorite type of technology. I’ve gotten in a bad habit of use the iPhone camera for everything, even though I have a really nice camera that I should use.

Tuesday: A drawing of a place you have been and never want to go back to.

Ziplining in Roatan

Well this is more like an activity. But I went Ziplining over a year ago in Roatan, Honduras. While Roatan is gorgeous, I have no desire to ever zipline there or anywhere else! I was so nervous!

Wednesday: Take a picture of something brand new. Like Shiny.

Brand New Shoes

These are my new sneakers I purchased for my trip to Disney in 2 weeks!!! Not very shiny, maybe in a figurative way.

Daily creates are still going really well. Though I must admit I enjoyed the visual assignments this week, more so than the daily creates.

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