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If It Kills Me (Week 9)

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Hallo, ds106ers!

So, this week went by quickly. I feel like that Sunday deadline came so quickly! Probably because we had three weeks to do our last batch of work and only one week for this batch. Spring break definitely put me on a weird schedule. I don’t want to do any work now! But I have to resist the urge to fall into that senior slacker mode. That’s why I decided to finish this week’s stuff earlier than usual because it’s little Taishi’s 100th day on Monday! I think it’s primarily an Asian thing to celebrate the day a baby turns 100 days old. My mama told me that in the old days, it was a big celebration if a baby can survive to be that old since it would indicate that the baby is healthy and will live to grow old. You normally celebrate this day by just being with family, and doing prayers and stuff. And since I can’t bring T.J up on Monday (stupid school), we’re celebrating it on Sunday. So yeah, just so I don’t have to rush through assignments and panic over blog posts, I am trying to get it all done before the celebrations. Hence me being up at 3am right now… Sigh, the things I do now that I’m a mama.

Anyways, here’s a rundown of all the things I had to do for week 9:

Evaluation of Radio Show

Since I was part of the Fab Five group, I had to write an evaluation of the Dot Commer’s radio show. Here’s what I had to say about their wicked awesome show!

Web Assignments

Okay, so we had to do quite a few web assignments this week. Here are the ones we had to do:

Storytelling Within the Web

Five Stars-worth of Web Assignments

The five stars I did were:

Comment Character

Okay, so this was a really interesting assignment for me. It took me a little while to think of a character, but I decided on Sass A. Fras. Sass is a college girl with tons of ‘tude and sass. She uses a ton of high school lingo and idioms. She stands for women’s rights, and has something to say about everything. Here’s the havoc Sass wrecked on ds106ers this week:

Here, Sass made fun of how Walty didn’t have a lot of real friends. Whomp, whomp, whomp.

Here, Sass stood up against Carl Grumpypants. Take that, Carl!

Here, Sass told Henry off about being a player. Nobody likes a little playboy!

Here, Sass was disgusted by some of the interesting translations from a Japanese burger menu.

Here, Sass tells off people who eat McDonald’s. Way too much sass there, Sass.

To be honest, by my third comment, I was totally sick of my persona. I’m just glad I only had to comment on five blog posts and not like 20!

Daily Creates

We had to do 3 daily creates this week. Here’s the blog post I did talking about my daily creates and the story I made out of them.

List of Media Files I Shared

Well, I had a ton of photos I didn’t end up using for various assignments way back, like around the beginning of the semester (dang, that seems so long ago!) Here are the ones I put in:

IMG_1565 Left over from the photoblitz assignment.



IMG_1560 Leftover from the photoblitz assignment.



IMG_0267 Leftover from a daily create.



IMG_0168 Leftover from a daily create.


But yep, that’s all of the work I did for this week! Now, it’s 3:30am. So I’m going to go pass out now before celebrating little T.J’s 100th day!

Hope you guys are having a great weekend! (:

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