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YouTube Genres

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Ok, so for this week, we had to think about different genres of movies. I always thought genres were pretty easy to identify, like horror or comedy or action. But I feel like nowadays, there are a ton of new genres that are like a huge mumbo gumbo of different genres thrown together like black comedy and romantic sci-fi.

For this assignment, we had to identify and find examples of different genres on YouTube. Well, I thought this was pretty tough because I feel like there are a ton to list (and past ds106ers did a great job of starting it). Instead of just expanding off of others, I thought it would be more useful to write new ones down in our Google Doc. Here are the ones I wrote down and the examples I gave:

Celebrity Transformation Makeup Tutorials

I thought this would be an interesting genre to discuss. At first, I wanted to just put makeup/beauty tutorials in general; however, I felt as thought that would have been too broad. Although I feel like these videos are fun to watch, I do think they reflect a lot about our society nowadays. For one, we are always putting celebrities in the spotlight as well as trying to imitate them (in fashion magazines, you always see stuff like “Steal their style!” or “Dress like celebrities for less”). I think these videos work as an extension of this phenomenon.

“Follow Me Around” Vlogs

When I was little, I loved going through my mom’s and my mom’s friends’ makeup bags and purses. I thought it was interesting to see what they liked and also have a sneak peek into their personal life in a way that is less invasive. I think “follow me around” videos do the same thing. With “follow me around” videos, you see into blogger’s or vlogger’s lives in a way that is less creepy. Most people on Youtube that create these types of videos are people with a lot of subscribers that are interested in their lives beyond the camera. The one I listed is from a beauty guru named Judy who makes a ton of fashion and makeup Youtube videos. Because of the increasing volume of questions about her personal life, she decided to make another channel that is specifically dedicated to daily vlogs. (FYI @cogdog she and her family are currently vlogging from Tokyo! Do you recognize any of the places they are at? My boyfriend recognized that they were at Narita Airport! Crazy, huh?)

What do you guys think of the videos and genres I listed? Which ones did you guys do?

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