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Come Original

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Reading the articles on remix and mashup really made me think of the concepts of originality and copy right protection. In this new age of media it seems our perception of art has changed. Art work once took inspiration, hard work, and a creative passion. Now any kid with a laptop and 30 mins on his hands can create work that unfortunately gets wide spread acceptance into our digital society. I blame that though mostly on the audience of this digital garbage. Perhaps through years of cultural adaption we have become listeners with short attention spans and a need for instant gratification. Instead of listening to 2 minutes or so of a pink floyd intro where it builds up into an amazing musical composition, we turn the the radio station to a song with heavy bass lines, rambling incoherent lyrics, and sound samples from five other songs. I’m not saying that remixes and mashups don’t have their place in our media mainstream, I just think think that grouping them with their original counter parts is insulting to the former composers. I want to be clear, I have no problem with remixes or mashups, I think they’re fun and amusing, but I just think they take a fraction of the musical intellect to actually make.


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