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a tale from flickr pictures

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Five Card Story: A Valentines Day Tale

a ds106 story created by Stephanie Lefferts

flickr photo by ravnclaw89

flickr photo by paulhami

flickr photo by edtechie99

flickr photo by jamabay

flickr photo by paulhami

It all started with a bouquet of beautiful red roses. My boy picked them on the way to school from a neighbors’ farm…and avoided upsetting any of the animals this time. My boy and I skipped out of school for a valentines day date of cookies and coffee followed by some bowling. I had my favorite colored lime green bowling ball. At the end of the day we snuck into the back of the school bus to catch a ride home, pretending we’d never missed a thing!

To create your own story or to read others go here!!!

Five Card Flickr

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