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Party Schools

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This American Life, a program on NPR, has an episode on college partying.  It focuses on Penn State which was named the number 1 party school by the Princeton Review.  In listening to the episode it sounded as if I was watching an episode of Campus PD on G4.  Yet at the same time, sadly, it is not all that different from what goes on at any college town around America, even Fredericksburg.  UMW might be a tiny school compared to Penn State, but we have some of the same things go on here.  There is no frat row yet there are house parties every weekend.  Kids pregame in their dorms, apartments or houses before heading downtown in an effort to save money while enjoying the nightlife.  Unfortunately we don’t have a campus shuttle to ferry the drunks back and fourth in safety.  Bad decisions are a part of college life and while people need to be responsible most of what goes on will happen no matter how much administrations might want to curtail these activities.  Fortunately Fredericksburg seems to fair better than State College in terms of how students impact the locals.  I think this entire episode what a fantastic candid look int

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