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UMW’s Great First Pep Rally!

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In my opinion, UMW’s first pep rally was a real success! President Hurley unveiled our new slogan: “Where great minds get to work.” I think it works well, and it’s a great representation of our community!

The admin had t-shirts, buttons, chocolate, pennants, and popcorn for us, and seemed equally enthusiastic to see us. I loved the videos, but I was disappointed to find the winners absent.

Me, Full of Pep!

that little devil shows off her school spirit

I accompanied Andy Rush to the rally expecting to help with the DTLT Today live broadcast, but capturing the video turned out to be more of a one-man job.  However, I ended up having a great time experiencing the rally from the stands.

Here are some pictures from the rally:

Eagle Mascot at the Pep Rally

The Eagle Takes the Gym!

Pep Rally in the Anderson Center

The Anderson Center Gym

Prez Hurley Delivers a Speech at the Pep Rally

Prez Hurley Delivers His Speech

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