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Colorize Your World: Mega Man

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Colorize Your World                                                                                            Description: in this simple assignment you would take a image of anything you want, whether it is a cartoon character or an image from a movie and just change the colors around in photoshop.


The character I chose to work on was “Mega Man”. I decided to pick this Visualassignment because it seemed pretty interesting. This was my chance to take this character I’ve enjoyed since I can remember, and color him the way I felt he would look intersting in. I chose to change him black and red because it gives him a sense of toughness. Also black and red happens to be my two favorite colors as well. This was supposed to be our “last” VisualAssignment, but there’s still a couple of interesting Assignments I wish to complete on my own time. Hope you all enjoy the New Look Mega Man.




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