The direction of the assignment is:
My memories fade over time, but sometimes there is a song that can take me back to a place that revives the memories of my past. The song allows me to remember things I thought I had forgotten. So, for an assignment, pick a song that does that for you, and tell some stories about what you remember. An example for me would be to pick a song off of the Journey “Escape” album, and talk about the summer job I had cutting the grass for my high school the summer before my senior year. The smells, the grease, the noise, the sunburn, the boredom, the friends. In the assignment you might want to mix your voice over parts of the song, give an intro, tell the story first and play the song, break up the song with the story – lots of options.
Like the author says in the description, I guess everyone has a song that brings up special memories.
I read other people’s song stories and every story and song is great!
I particularly liked Mayu’s story– it’s sooo funny and cute story with cheerful song,
and Swadloon’s story– it’s very personal and touching! Her story inspired and made me wanting to share my memory that I’m going to talk about.
My favorite and special song is “You Raise Me Up” by Celtic Woman.
This song reminds me of the time when I was in Ireland.
I like this part of lyrics
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders
You raise me up… to more than I can be
You can read the full lyrics here.
The process of this assignment is simple. I took a music clip from Youtube and embeded here. And searched the lyrics on the web and linked to it. I also linked to other people’s work that inspired me to write this songstory.
Hope you enjoyed reading my story :)
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