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Creation Process: TDC #5: Breakfast Toasting Bagels

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Since I was asked and I think one of the requests for the class is blogging about our experience, here ya go. How I created my TDC #5 Breakfast Toasting Bagels.

My first attempt was using the iPhone Soundcloud app directly. There are no editing abilities in the app or after you’ve uploaded, so it didn’t work out so great. I deleted that and decided to just bring my laptop and mic into the kitchen and record using Audacity. Turned the toaster oven on, hit record, and then edited down the clip to about 30 seconds because I thought it would be boring waiting any longer than that :)

From Audacity, I exported the sound to MP3 (using the LAME mp3 encoder), and then uploaded the file using the Soundcloud website.

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