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How To: Allow Downloading of a File on SoundCloud

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Someone messaged me on SoundCloud to let me know that I hadnā€™t enabled downloads on the file I uploaded yesterday. I hadnā€™t even realized you had to enable downloads. I didnā€™t think it was immediately clear how, so I figured Iā€™d put up instructions.

1) Make sure you are logged into SoundCloud.

2) Navigate to your Track listing, by clicking on ā€œYouā€ in the menu at the top of the site. (No, donā€™t go to Tracks, that brings you to *other peoplesā€™* tracks!)

3) Find the track youā€™d like to enable downloads on and click the corresponding edit icon. The icon looks like this:

SoundCloud Edit Icon

4) This will bring you to the Edit page for the track. Scroll down to the ā€œAdvanced settingsā€ section and click on the ā€œDownloads disabled Click to enableā€ box. It looks like this:

SoundCloud Downloads Disabled

5) Press the Save button.

Hint: It appears that you have to enable downloads on every file you upload individually. I canā€™t seem to find anywhere in the settings that makes this the default.

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