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URES: Progress Log #2

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I’m taking an Undergraduate Research project with Jim Groom this semester! I had the neat idea over Winter Break to film a documentary about ds106, and originally I was going to do it simply for fun and the experience, but Jim insisted I should get credit for my work, so I ended up with an officially recognized class!

Although Episode 1 is already up on the web, the project is still in its infancy. There will soon be a separate site for the whole thing. However, I wanted to post about the few things I’ve accomplished thus far, hence this blog entry.

In case you’re confused, I’m uploading Progress Log #2 before #1 due to a number of issues, but mostly because I don’t have time to wait around for #1 (which is over a gig in size) to load, nor do I have the time it would require to mess around and shrink it. I’m just beginning to understand Adobe Premiere.

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