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Going to mush two daily creates together

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I did a Daily Create on Wednesday in the midst of my site being held captive by hackers, and one today as well, so I am going to discuss both in one post.

Wednesday’s assignment was to take a photo with a silhouette; naturally my first pick for subject was my horse! I had to lighten the photo a little bit once I uploaded because you couldn’t really even see what his head was – it was just a big black blur – but I really like this because of the clouds and the angle of his head.

Felix silhouette

Today’s Daily Create was to take a picture of your feet that shows what kind of day you’re having. In mine I’m wearing my very scuffed running shoes; even though I didn’t have any classes today, I was still extremely busy doing reading for class, riding my horse, racing back to campus in time for a meeting to fix my blog (which obviously was successful, yay!) then off to rugby practice. You can probably see my legs are a little worse for wear…that’s rugby for ya!

TDC: Shoes

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