I don’t know about anyone else, but I LOVE Post Secret. I think they are so interesting and I just love them. Last year actually the inventor of Post Secret came to talk to my school. He was awesome. Until he came to Cortland, I did not know that the profits of Post Secret went to suicide awareness, that’s really a great foundation. Anyways, we had to make a post secret about DS106. This was also easily made on Picnik. My secret may make my professors mad, but it is my secret! Technology really angers me. I love it once I master it and it can be interesting, but I just don’t really care for it. I wish I was born in the days that all you needed was a pen and paper to make all possibilities come true. I like simpler times. I like the days when my friends and I weren’t so wrapped up in our blackberries and Iphones that we could actually have a conversation. So, there you have it, that’s my DS106 secret! (Feels so good to get it off my chest!)
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