I sometimes like really bad movies and books. I recognize that they are bad, but I like them anyway. This is an example of one.
I found the icons at thenounproject.com and clipartfort.com. I couldn’t figure out how to copy images from thenounproject.com (they’re in a weird format that you have to download), so I zoomed in on them and took a screen capture in order to get them. I then isolated the icons in Paint.NET by deleting the excess stuff from the screen captures. At the end of this step I had my four icons saved as separate images. I opened each image and selected and deleted the whitespace using Paint.NET’s magic wand tool. This left only the black icons. I used the paint bucket tool to dye each icon and make sure that they were all the same shade of black., and then saved them in .png format. The final step was to add each icon as a layer in the final image. I did this, and added a a solid white layer as background. I then resized the icons so that they were all the same size, and finally flattened the image.
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