It’s intreating to see how Web 2.0 literally began by just the brainstorming of two people, but sometimes all it takes is just a good idea and creative thinking to really make things happen. In a year and half time the term Web 2.0 had over 9.5 citations on google but there was still a lot of disagreement on what the term means. The main thing I realized from Web 2.0 is that it’s described more as an attitude not a technology.
Basically it seems the difference between Web 1.0 and Web 2.0 is Netscape and Google. Netscape which was the standard for Web 1.0 framed the Web as a platform and was used mostly as a web browser while Google started off as a web application. Google is experienced by the user as a browser but it’s service is not a browser. Netscape belonged to the software world with the likes of Lotus, Microsoft, and Oracle while Google was linked with other internet applications like ebay, amazon, and napster.
It seems as Web 2.0 is more on the creative side of thinking and making changes to things. With Web 2.0 and the advances of technology for creating, sharing, and sampling many believe the traditional way with 1.0 is becoming very obsolete. With the increasing use of tools like wikis and blogs copyright protection inhibits the opportunities theses applications provide. With Web 2.0 you are able to give restrictions a back seat and users are able to express themselves more creatively and effectively.
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