Although I feel like I may have made this too easy.
This is my first dip into the unknown waters of audio editing. For my first assignment I chose to do The Contest Nobody Could Win, because it seemed simple enough for a newbie like me. The assignment was to choose six songs, take a snippet of less than a second from each, and put them together. Now you have to guess which six songs I chose! I was worried that the first two or three segments were too easy so I tried to make it a little harder…anybody want to guess?
This project proved simple enough thankfully, and I was able to learn some of the basics of Audacity at the same time. I uploaded six songs and, by zooming in, selected less than a second from each one, then pasted them together in a new file window. For some reason, sometimes when I tried to copy a selection, it didn’t always erase what I had last had copied on the clipboard, so I had to wrestle with that a bit. Still not sure what I was doing wrong there. But exporting the file was simple enough. Another problem I have had is setting up the library that was recommended that we download for saving files from Audacity. I have downloaded it twice but still can’t find it on my computer. Any suggestions for that?
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