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Thank you, Dr. Long!

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Dr. Long, right before he gets thanked


Sounds from Arkham Asylum–”Oooh, a Gas Mask!”

This took more time than I thought it would.

First, I downloaded the episode from YouTube, then I ripped the audio using RealPlayer. The idea was to go through the audio and just pull out the Scarecrow’s lines, but thirty minutes is a lot of time to spend just hunting through audio.

What I wound up doing, was opening up the video and fast forwarding through it, and marking down the times when ole hayface shows up. Then I went through the audio and split the audio at those place. Once I’d put the splits in, then I just deleted the non-essential audio.

Finally, I just kind of went through and tried to put together some kind of crazy-sounding monologue that made some kind of sense. I’m glad Dr. Long pops up a few times, that way it gives a little bit of continuity (and keeps it from being totally boring, hopefully).

Anyway, it was fun. I’m kind of stuck on the Scarecrow for some reason. Paging Dr. Freud?


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