Photo #1 is a album cover that me and my partner had to create based on random searches on wikipedia, and random searches on quotes that we found based on those last 4 or 5 letter on that exact quote. So em and my partner ended up with the Group name called “Uraiyur” from wikipedia’s random engine search, and then we found part of a random quote to use as our album name, ” They don’t talk about other people. As for the picture this was also another random search we ended up with on flickr, we were expected to chose the third picture we find on the flickr random picture search. Funny how we ended up with this picture though, it seems to fit quite well with the name of the album. lol!!
Photo#2 is from the daily create where we had to take a photo depicting our favorite type of weather, so I chose this picture from one of my modeling photo shoots which is in the winter time:)
Photo#3 is also from the daily creates where we had to take a picture of our favorite smell, so I took a picture of a bouquet of flowers that were laying around my grandmothers house.
Photo#4 is from the daily create assignment where we had to take a picture that features my favorite color, so i took a picture of a Adidas sneakers box which features my favorite color “blue” !
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