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Our Radio Show

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Our Radio Show

Me, Toni and Stephanie worked together to create a radio show for our ENG307 class.  I’m going to give a bit of a tutorial on how we uploaded our show.


In order to make the radio show, we used the program GarageBand that can be found on Macs.  When making a radio show, it is best to use the Podcast option when starting out.  (We started by creating a song and ran into problems later!)  Once everything is recorded and the music, bumpers, and sounds are added, go up to the top of the screen and hit save.

If you didn’t use Podcast off the bat, here’s what you’ll need to do to have it uploaded to SoundCloud.

1. Highlight everything you recorded carefully without moving or changing anything.

2. Go up to the top bar and hit Edit – Copy.

3. Go to the top where it says File and click “New.”  A new screen will show up so you’ll want to hit “New Project.”  From there, click on Podcast.

4. Once the new Podcast opens, go back to Edit and click paste.  Everything should paste the way you had it.  Make sure to Save this new project with another title.

5. Now go to the top and hit Share.  Click on the option to “Send Podcast to iTunes.”  It’ll give you instructions on where to save it and title it.

6.  Once it’s saved into iTunes, you can go to and upload your track directly from your iTunes.

That’s it!  It took a while to figure out and then some added help from my peers.  The important part is knowing it needs to be on a Podcast so for best results, start by creating it right on a Podcast.


Making the radio show was actually pretty fun.  Our idea was to make a show about the top vacation spots (since Spring Break was coming up).  We wanted to be informational but make it catchy for listeners.  We started by using a bumper with an island feel to it.  After the introduction of our station, we started right in about vacation spots.  We were able to include a caller (our roommate) so we could hear from listeners like us.  Later in the show we played some beach songs like Bob Marley’s “One Love” and even some Beach Boys.  After that, we played a game with the listeners and had a bit of fun with an interruption about the weather.  It started off more serious than it ended, but I think the end was better because it was more entertaining.  Overall, it took us 6 hours and that was before we tried uploading it to the internet.  THAT was no easy task!!  Take a listen and see what we’ve done!

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