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A Bad Break

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I broke my distal tibia last Sunday (March 11th). I knew almost immediately after I fell that I would need to see a doctor, but I didn’t imagine needing surgery. Unfortunately, that’s what I’ve got to deal with. Come Tuesday, my orthopedic surgeon gets to do this:

This puts me out of school at a rather crucial time. I’m trying to stay upbeat, however, and use this literal downtime as an opportunity to catch up on some work. So, I’m working on DOC106 and my Shakespeare class, in particular, and trying not to freak out too much. After all, I’ve got to graduate. Unfortunately, this isn’t something guaranteed by my current GPA.

My dad said that I’ve faced a lot of obstacles in my life. I didn’t want to dwell on that possibility too much, fearing I’d feel blue about it, but I couldn’t help but wonder if he’s right. The course has not run smooth. Yet, we are all fighting great battles in our life. To each one of us, we’re in the war of our life. Who’s to say who has the easier course? It’s like childhood. Childhood is a wonderful, carefree time when we look back on it. But when we were living those moments, they were all serious, and we faced them seriously.

I don’t feel great about this semester. I’m tired of that. I’m tired of university and I want to move on. I feel too old, too young. I need a break. One without a broken ankle.

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