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Teach in: Colin Schulz’s 5 Movies, 5 Seconds

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Before doing any video assignments for this class I had no prior knowledge or experience with video editing software. The first time I ever opened iMovie I was’t sure where to start, but after trying and failing so many times I practically taught myself. iMovie is very easy to use, everything is already laid out for you in their edit and window options. All you have to do is know what your looking to do, and go ahead under those two options and find it.

I believe the two biggest video editing options that iMovie has which make a huge difference are their titles and transitions options. Ever since I found out how to use them, their the first two editing tools that I use. Transitions are great because they allow you to spruce up your movie, and separate each idea that your trying to convey to your watchers. In my 5 movies, 5 seconds video assignment I used transitions to separate each movie. The transitions not only fill in the dull moments, but they really catch everyones attention. iMovie’s title options are also very good because without a title how can anyone know what your movies about etc. The thing is, iMovies title options aren’t boring,  you can customize them in whatever way you like.

Another great feature that iMovie has is it’s flash and hold last frame option under special effects. Every since I found this option i’ve used it. It’s so easy to put in and do, however in the end it makes such a big difference. In many movies that we make the ending comes so abrupt followed by a title, however when you use the flash and hold last frame option it slowly ends the movie and gives you another look at your title page. Check out my video below and you’ll see all these features put into action!


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