The importance of collaborating with peers and colleagues, especially in the 21st century, is crucial. It is a great tool, but takes both planning and coordination on the teachers behalf. In the article “The Process of Online Collaboration” the author provides phases of instructor involvement in collaboration. These stages include 1.) Set the Stage, 2.) Create the environment, 3.) Model the Process, 4.) Guide the process, and then 5.) Evaluate the process.
SET THE STAGE- provides clear guidelines and expectations
CREATE THE ENVIRONMENT- Develop logical frameworks, division of labor, meeting places
MODEL THE PROCESS- Model your own commitment to the process!
GUIDE THE PROCESS- Give brief indications about what’s on your mind.
EVALUATE THE PROCESS- Include some form of evaluation/ self- assessment
It is important to follow these steps in order to develop effective collaboration. Also, as teachers, we cannot assume that our students simply understand why collaboration is important. We need to explain it to them! Without this explanation, students will express resistance to participation. In 307 (New Media Literacies), we have been learning and applying these practices for all of our online work and I’m very happy with how it’s going so far!
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