Have you ever thought about your digital footprint? Are you safe? Do you know how to protect yourself? Digital citizenship is very important in the 21st century. There are nine elements that you should be aware of: digital access, digital commerce, digital communication, digital literacy, digital etiquette, digital law, digital rights and responsibilities, digital health and wellness, and last but not least, digital security. These nine elements will help you to stay safe on the internet. with communication being available with the touch of a button, it is crucial to know what you are doing on the interest. Furthermore, are you aware of the health risks that are a consequence of being on the computer for far too long? You can get carpel tunnel, trigger finger, and so many more health problems. Do you buy items legally on the internet or do you download illegally? All of this can come back to bite you if your not careful.
And then we have Facebook. I know most everyone has a Facebook and you really have to be careful. The apps that you accepted are constantly collecting information about you. Yup, that’s right. I would go check that out! Have you Googled yourself recently? Check it out and see what comes up. With employers checking your digital life more and more, it is so important that you make sure you are being safe on the internet. So take the proper steps to protect yourself!
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