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I recently read two articles for class about Web 2.0 storytelling and creative commons. I found the Web 2.0 article long and dry. I agree that telling stories over the internet can bring out a lot of creativity in people with the ability to use animation and add pictures, but this could also lead to problems within society depending on the content. For example, writing a blog about work might not be such a good idea. I also think the reason digital storytelling is such a big deal is because it brings attention to someone or something, and because of the feedback and ideas generated from it. I am definitely not the person who is going to blog my entire life story, but I can see the benefits of telling a story using digital tools for a class. I will say that these stories might definitely help others.

I found the second article very interesting and agree that copyright laws these days are ridiculous. Nothing is really original because every idea we have is an accumulation of someone else’s ideas. I think it’s important to share information, not only for the feedback, but because it can help others. The article mentioned open course ware, which would help everyone learn something new. Why keep the information to yourself?

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