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Readings Week Two

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The article “ “Web 2.0 Storytelling: The Emergence of a New Genre”” I think had a lot of interesting points made throughout the reading.  The first point that caught my attention was findability.  A great factor of the Web 2.0 was the search tool that made it easier to find certain topics you might want to discuss.  Spending a lot of time searching to find a good blog that you can join in on that you enjoy take a lot of effort sometimes.  If it came easier to people I believe they would blog more.  Another interesting point throughout the reading was how somme people were concerned that if we become to digital in our story telling that there will  be a major decrease in reading.  I actually agree with this point.  I know that one gets reading from commenting on posts, writing posts, and expressing their feelings about something.   To me though blogging and posting comments is not always proper gramar and english so a lot of the reading skills and writing skills are lost if we become to digital in our stories.  Also, a lot of the comments that we read are either sarcasm or critcism which is only one category of reading.  Another big thing about digital story telling is that the reader/viewer ALWAYS needs to be careful in deciding whether the story is believeable.  A lot of people just post things on the web but their story might not be true to really far fetched.  The last point I strongly agreed with thr0ughout this text is how the web 2.0 offers colleges and universities with two main things; composition platform and as a curricular object.  Especially in writing classes students can use blogs, twitter, and other web pages to be creative in putting these together to form a story.  I believe the Web can be used in many good ways for education but on the other hand after reading “Seven Things You Should Know about Creative Commons” I am a little hesitant about using the web.  The amount of copyright restrictions there is all over the web is outrageous.  I agree that they are needed so that people do not take other peoples work.  On the other hand though I wish there was an easier way to attribute people to their work so we could possibly use some of it for education purposes without having to worry about doing something wrong.  I agree with the Creative Commons licenses to have an openness on the web so we can use peoples work for education.  I believe that each site should have the power to decide what copyrights they want and have them post them clearer on their web pages so we as students and teachers know what is right to use and what is wrong.  Copyright laws are very tricky because on one side you don’t want to take any ones hard work done, but you would like to share it with the world.

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