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My final project tutorial

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For my final project I decided to do a horror short! I was kinda inspired by the blair with project! To begin I enlisted the aid of my brother andy! We went hiking on these random trails behind his place in charrlettsville! I had never been out that way before and had no idea wht to expect! so we started hiking and found all these creepy things! you’ll see! we made up script as we went and video taped everything in 3 to 4 minute segments! Its easyer that way to email the video from my phone to my computer! once I managed to email all the videos to my computer that process alone took a week! then I started editing in AVS video editor! I picked out the creepyest moments and strated putting together the story! My story is that my brother and I find out about treasure from the older people in our town! we go looking for this treasure! when it all goes wrong! we go though this tunnle with creepy graffite and some evil spirit begins to follow us! we come across this crazy statue! It is completly faceless I think it might be a statue of the grim reaper looking back! Finally we come across this house where it looks as if someone has been living! Andy sees something and you never see us again! all you see is a creepy figure walking after us. After I edited all the video to fit the story that i made up. the next step was to add background music and special effects! I choose background music I liked the begining song is tounge tied by group love! great song! I choose it for the begining song because it is upbeat! after the tunnle when things go wrong I choose parts of the song by M8P soon my friend.  I used the first section of the song on repeat becasue I really liked the music. Then I added effects to the film! I used the polarized effects thoughout the second half of the movie to try and amp up the creepyness! FInally I tuned the color to be more contrasted and darker! I hope this tutorial will help and enjoy the short! :)

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