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Multimodal Reflection

Posted by

Keith Kilmer

C. Sarver


For my efolio, I chose a black background because I think it projects a professional image.  I want my personality to come through in the photos and the texts, so the background should emphasize simple professionalism.  For the picture, I had my wife take a photo in front of the blue background because blue is a good color for me.  It is matches my eyes.  I also wanted to be personable, so I decide to go with my Yoda or Colts tie.  The image on my Yoda tie couldn’t be seen in the photo so we went with the Colts tie, which is why I am wearing a blue shirt.  For the text I wanted to come off as personable and illustrate my passions.

For my Resume page I chose to begin with a small bio.  I know most students go with the basic “Objective: To find a job…” opening.  But you can see with my theme, I am trying to foreground my personality.  I want an employer to understand that I am not a walking dictionary who cannot connect to their students.  I am very personable and attempt to illustrate it throughout the efolio.  The second choice I made was to present the writing classes that I have taken to show schools that I am serious about getting kids to read and I have the education to do it.

The SUNY Cortland page is simply a shell that I will determine how to fill in next semester while I am student teaching.

With the 21st Century literacies page I remained determined to present the personal side of me along with the professional.  The picture is of my children with technology.    I also choice to use bulleted columns to break up the chunk of text.  It is visually appealing and serves a purpose.  One column is about the opportunities of Web 2.0 and the other is about the responsibilities that teachers and students share in composing on Web 2.0.

Finally, I  added the digital footprint as  away to illustrate to visitors the kind of presence I will be maintaining in the future.  I added my blog, Twitter, and a Shelfari account that I have recently started.  I think it would be a great tool in showing employers how well read you are, as well what your interests are.  In keeping with my personal theme, the foot is my daughter’s foot from a trip to the beach.  I could have used an internet image, but I wanted it to be personal.

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