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What Does Storytelling Have to Do with Business?

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“The idea of storytelling is about how your business exists in the real world.”  This involves how people can use your products or services everyday, meet the customer’s needs, and add value to their lives.  Advertising has now become a digital story because of the manner in which it is presented.  Instead of telling a potential customer about a product’s benefits, the company will have a customer speak about their own experience with the product (testimonials).  This allows for potential customers to hear a previous customers response and with the internet today, the responses to a product may not be always positive.  Anyone and everyone can post a comment or video about their own personal experience.  Each experience is a small story the person is telling.  This allows companies to hear real-feedback on their products and learn about how their “product lives in the real world;” giving them a chance to improve or modify it.  The web has revoluntionized the business industry because of this two-way communication between customer and business.

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