After watching Everything is a Remix: by Kirby Ferguson, I agree. There are many movies that I have seen and songs that I have heard that I swear I have seen/heard before, even if that is the first time that I have seen/heard that movie or song. It is true that everything is a remix, everything is inspired or made of something else. The one movie that I have seen that I believe is original is the Lion King. The movie with the lions with that plot seem familiar to me. Oh wait, brother killing brother for throne and then son prevailing. Okay so maybe is wasn’t so much original, but the fact that they used lions makes it slightly original. However since then there has been many movies made based off of that movie. After watching Everything’s a remix I have come to understand that even situations aren’t necessarily original, because the phrase, “Listen to the knowledge, that the elders have” would be pointless. Everything comes from something, it just might be a slight remix.
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