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in[SPIRE]: Past DS106 Story thoughts

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I had a lot of fun looking through the in[SPIRE] site for ds106.  The story I liked the most was the Swede a Scene by .  I liked it because it involved one of my favorite movies/books The Hunger Games (you can tell that by looking at the gif I made last week).  I think what made this video stand out to me was to was that it was a good interpretation of that one scene from the movie when they first get into the arena.  It also stood out to me because it was different because it was an interpretation of a movie.  This is a digital story because even though it is a remake of a scene from another movie it is still the person’s interpretation of how they wanted the scene to be portrayed.  This video shows the beginning before the tributes go into the arena to fight to the death and it shows what happens close to the ending.  This is definitely part of a larger story because The Hunger Games book/movie is its whole story itself.  This one video is only a part of the whole story.  This is a digital story because it is a video that someone created.  Anything created digitally or online either it be a picture, video, gif, etc has its own story that comes with it.  Below it the embedded video:

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