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Balding papa turtle has no hair to dry.

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Wednesday’s Daily Create assignment was “Bald is beautiful! Photograph the egghead in your life!”

I chose a photo of my dad! He is ALWAYS wearing a hat, so it is somewhat rare to see his bald head, but he’s bald! I promise. He says that’s what happens when you live in a house with three women. WHOPPSIES, sorry dad!


Thursday’s Daily Create assignment was “Draw an abstract picture of your favorite animal.”

I drew a turtle! (Obviously!) My last name is Pyrtle and it rhymes with turtle. When I was really little, kids use to make fun of me and call me a turtle (only because of my last name). Then I just started to reply with “I love turtles! They are my favorite!” And eventually the teasing stopped and I had turtles to thank for it! :)


Saturday’s Daily Create assignments was “Record one sound being interrupted by a totally different non related sound.”

I love listening to music when I am getting ready, but my blow dryer loves to rudely interrupt! If only blow dryers were silent.

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