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Design Safari

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I had a lot of fun with this assignment!  To start with this assignment I read the assignment document and looked at found examples to give myself and idea of what I was looking for.  The elements I decided to focus on were color, typography, balance, rhythm, and metaphor/symbol. To do this assignment I took a walk on the UMW campus where there are lots of examples of each element of design.  I liked how during the design safari I was able to take my time more than for the photoblitz activity where I only had 20 minutes to take as many pictures as I could.


Design blitz-color

For this picture, I thought the color of the sky really creates a mood.  A lot of times people are more cheerful and happy on a day that it is sunny than a day that is cloudy.  The color of the sky also really stands out to people as they go about their day.

Color 2

This green color in the plant really stands out against the soil its planted in as well as the sidewalk that it is near.  It really catches your attention when walking by.



This is a great example of typography.  The word emergency is written in a very large font and is easy to be seen in case there is a real emergency.  The blue light above the word also really helps make the word emergency be seen.

Typography 2

This shows that only buses can park in this spot.  The way that this is written along the curb makes sure that any other kind of vehicle cannot park there.



These two benches represent balance because they are symmetrical to each other. They are the same distance apart and the benches are identical.  The tree between the benches also helps show the symmetry of the benches.



This represents rhythm because there are multiple bikes in this bike rack.  The bikes are parked at slightly different angles.

Rhythm 2

This is also an example of rhythm because it is a repetition and it is a part of a fence.  This pattern of the fence posts is the same all the way until the fence ends.



I thought this was the best symbol that I found.  You would probably know that this is the symbol for UMW if you go to the school, live near the school, or have a family member or friend that goes to the school.  A lot of people who don’t know about UMW would not know what this symbol represents.

Now that I have all my pictures from my design safari embedded in this post I am now going to add them to the found examples in the assignment document.

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