Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92792 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. aetherbunny

    Wind Plain, ruined city of the Gradient-Masters

    Seriously. Someone needs to take the gradient tool away from me. Oh whoops, damage done, TOO LATE. I created this rendering of a ruined Earth-Master city from McKillip’s trilogy to complete my own Imaginary Places assignment. First things first, here’s a list of all the stock images I used to create this image: Main ruins… more
  2. aetherbunny

    Hail, Quiz-Bearer!

    Check it out! I created YET ANOTHER assignment, and for this one you get to make your own online quiz. Pretty nifty, huh? Surprisingly, this turned out to be one of the easier projects I completed for my final portfolio. The website I used to create the quiz, PollSnack, is exceedingly user-friendly, quite unlike some… more
  3. aetherbunny

    Riddle, Answer, Doofus

    In which I look like a total dork for the sake of my final project. I definitely took my own spin on the Text + Diagram -> Into a Movie assignment, and instead of fining “a written explanation of a concept and a diagram that illustrates that concept,” I adapted the ideas of riddlery from… more
  4. aetherbunny

    Imaginary assignments

    For my ds106 assignments, I created a video assignment called Narrative Ambiance, the goal of which is to shoot some original video, then set it to sound and speech to evoke a particular mood or feeling. You can check out my blog post describing the assignment, and the final video below.   My second assignment ...
  5. aetherbunny

    Heir of Paths and Bucket Tool

    Continuing with my theme of “let’s parody every awesome line from Riddle-Master,” I give you my minimalist poster for the second book in the trilogy, “Heir of Sea and Fire”! MINIMALISM, AHAHAHAH. Why the heck did I ever think I could attempt minimalism? MY FAVORITE ART STYLE IS ART NOUVEAU, WHICH IS LIKE MINIMALISM’S POLAR ...
  6. aetherbunny

    Tutorials galore!

    The following are my tutorials for the Movie Music Comparison assignment and the Movie Scenes That Changed Our Lives assignment, respectively. I’m trying out Vimeo because at this point YouTube can kiss my frustrated not-read-only downtime-hating tush, and you can quote me on that. I used the 30-day free trial of Camtasia to create both ...
  7. aetherbunny


    Seriously, has someone else already made that pun? If I am the first person to do so I have lost a bit of faith in this class (or maybe gained it—it’s a pretty dumb pun). For remix week, I talked about the nature a the remix with a little help from some excellent videos, and ...
  8. aetherbunny

    ReMiX tHiNg GoEs In, ReMiX tHiNg CoMeS oUt

    I fudged the Movie Music Comparison assignment a little—the second song I used is from a video game, not a movie. However, I’m once again invoking The First Rule and arguing that because a modern video game is technically an interactive cinematic storytelling experience (stick THAT in your rhetoric and chew on it, new media ...
  9. aetherbunny

    Geek in the Pink

    Completing my “Normal to Extraordinary – IN PINK!” assignment was probably one of the easiest projects I’ve tackled this semester. It was also a ton of fun, and more relaxing than many of the assignments I’ve completed so far, which made it a nice way to begin my remix week. To complete the assignment, I ...
  10. aetherbunny

    Recycled REDACTED

    I may have gone a little overboard on the Recycle the Media assignment. At least, I FEEL like I did. I probably spent… five hours? Six? More? trying to get this video to congeal and do what I wanted it to do. My problem was that I was inspired, and that always gets me in ...
  11. aetherbunny

    Remix, Reuse, Recycle

    I’m deeply familiar with the art of the remix—in fact, anybody who is remotely invested in the culture of the internet at any level has to be. What I didn’t know was the origin of the term, or the catchy tagline that I’m going to cross-stitch onto a sampler and hang above my bed: “Remixing ...
  12. aetherbunny

    “We were promised a woman of media…”

    … which is a complete bastardization of one of the best lines from Patricia A. McKillip’s epic Riddle-Master trilogy. I’m going to be focusing my final project pieces (and one of my Remix assignments!) on this book and the vast, sumptuous world McKillip created within its pages. McKillip’s masterwork (in my opinion, though not in ...
  13. aetherbunny


    BECAUSE I’M ON TIME THIS WEEK! WOOOOOOO YEAH!! Just replace “Kuzco” with “Haley” and that’s basically how I feel right now. Except, you know, with less throwing old guys out of windows. Video week was almost as frustrating as it was educational, which means it was REALLY STINKING EDUCATIONAL. I am ready to punch several ...
  14. aetherbunny

    “Let your heart kindle my heart”

    Embarrassing confession: I spent a full five minutes crying into my keyboard while attempting to complete the Movie Scenes that Changed Our Lives assignment, all because of ONE CLIP from “A Little Princess.” Just FYI, if you were not a little girl who grew up in the late 90′s you might not quite get what ...
  15. aetherbunny

    New assignment! Narrative Ambiance

    Funnily enough, this whole thing came about because I was attempting to do the Make it Constanza Decent assignment in which you film a day in your life, and my footage ended up being kind of crappy. I was happy with some of it, though, and wanted to use it for something in video week, ...
  16. aetherbunny

    5 Second Dramarama

    5 Second Films is one of  my favorite websites ever. I discovered their work earlier this semester and thought their style of storytelling was perfect for ds106—I was actually considering creating an assignment based on their films before I realized someone else had already beaten me to it! Though I’d give the 5 Second Film ...
  17. aetherbunny

    Weakly Summary

    Yep, that play on words is totally intentional. On to bigger and better things, right? Last week I explored an awesome clip from one of my favorite films, The Boondock Saints, in the context of Roger Ebert’s “How To Read a Movie” article:   I checked into the making of the movie with a few ...
  18. aetherbunny

    Front and center (and sides!)

    Roger Ebert’s article about how the left, right and center of the screen are often used to indicate a character’s moral standpoint ends up being used to create a visual representation of moral ambiguity in Troy Duffy’s “The Boondock Saints.” It was difficult to find all that  many clips on YouTube with examples of this ...
  19. aetherbunny

    Rule Number 2

    I have finally, fully embraced the First Rule of ds106: break the rules of ds106. It’s that pesky second rule, what I like to call the Miss Frizzle Mantra, that caught up with me this past week. Ugh. Miss Frizzle and ds106 have a lot in common: they both encourage, nay, demand students to “take ...
  20. aetherbunny

    “Team Jacob all the way!”

    Team RadTASTIC was tasked with reviewing the Brick House Panel radio show. This is my take on their interview-style show featuring Halloween monsters giving their takes on portrayals of monsters in the media. The intro bumper seemed to be of lower quality than the audio it precedeed—it could have been a lot crisper, but I ...
  21. aetherbunny


    I’m going to publish my weird borked edited web page for the evil awful horrid honestly quite educational Storytelling Within the Web assignment right now so that the code is at the very least out there and accessible before the storm robs me of my interwebs. Here’s what it ought to look like (flaws and ...
  22. aetherbunny

    “LOL You’re such a scene”

    In an effort to further my understanding of the folks who create some of my favorite anime, I thought I’d attempt the Google Translate assignment on the Studio Gainax website. … it went about as well as I’d expected. Not sure if this is a stable link, but you can see the entire page I ...
  23. aetherbunny

    What every entomologist needs…

    … an awkward ladybug costume. An assignment to create another Three Wolf Moon shirt? Really? I’m getting GRADED for this? My life could only get better if I’d started my work on Monday like a sane, sensible human being. I was excitation to give this assignment a try, although initially I wasn’t certain I’d be ...
  24. aetherbunny

    This week on blurry photos and talking to yourself…

    … some Daily Creates! The “Take a picture of soup!” prompt was incredibly timely, as I’ve just finished this winter’s first delicious beef stew. It’s only the second batch I’ve ever made, but every attempt gets me closer to beefy, stewy perfection. This stuff is infinitely better than the stew I made last year, and ...

ds106 in[SPIRE]