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  1. afghanwoman

    recycle the bottles

    I took photo of the recycled bottles, and then I used GIMP to manipulate the colors, although I did not know how to use GIMP for manipulating colors but the tutorials on YouTube was a great help to me.
  2. afghanwoman

    My experience of design safari

    Color-is a very important element in design, because color effects humans reaction to a design. There are different categories of colors such as primary colors, secondary colors and tertiary colors. Primary colors are red, yellow and blue and by adding primary colors we will have our secondary colors for example by adding red and yellow, ...
  3. afghanwoman

    a photo can tell a thousand words

    How to be a better photgrapher Tips in how to be a better photographer really helped me to improve my photo taking skill. this week those tips were in my head which was a great help when I was taking photos. I spend my time more on pre-composing in my mind and then taking photo, ...
  4. afghanwoman

    My large dog

    A good friend can be anyone regardless of his/her Religion, ethnicity, country, culture.Good Friends are gift from God; a person without a good friend is like a body without a soul. A good friend is hard to find, but it is worth it, because a good friend heals your pain and brings a smile to ...
  5. afghanwoman

    Never give up

    I belong to a land where harassment, violence and harsh cultural taboos against the women are the norms. I belong to a people who sacrifice their own daughters, sisters and wives in the name of culture, but I also belong to a generation who will open a new page in the history of my country ...
  6. afghanwoman

    Importance of attending college

    College provides individuals with the opportunity to have a better career and personal enrichment. The value of college is more than the opportunity to have a better and well paid job. A college education gives you the ability to understand yourself and you’re environed. A college education enables one to achieve their personal as well ...
  7. afghanwoman

    Lack of a good Education System

    Education is an important part of everyone’s life, a country with no education is like a body without a soul. Similarly, education system plays an important role in delivering knowledge to individuals. Unfortunately in most of the third world countries the education system is very week, one of the reason is that memorization is preferred ...
  8. afghanwoman

    City of the 20 Minutes photos

    I really enjoyed photo-blitzing, it was a wonderful experience for me. Since I learned that photos could present different things based on how a photographer wants it to be and what message he/she wants to give through the photo. Thus, a photo in my opinion can represent different things based on the way it is ...
  9. afghanwoman

    The Buddhas of Bamiyan & Ignorance

    Nothing in the entire world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity, said Martin Luther King. It is true that Ignorance is a part of almost every culture, but it has stronger roots in countries most threatened by poverty and illiteracy. Ignorance is not dangerous on its own but what it can cause ...
  10. afghanwoman

    Audio City

      Audio storytelling…   Ira Glass described four important key points about creating story for radio or for TV. His first point was to know the basic of the story which is the two important parts to the story. First is the anecdote which is a story in its purest form, which follows one after ...
  11. afghanwoman

    My Ds106 Radio Experience..

    My DS106 radio experience was really interesting. I never heard to any radio since I am in US. So it was a great start. I really enjoyed listening to the ds106 radio that I started to listen to it every day. The songs that were played were great and the live shows were very clear ...
  12. afghanwoman

    The Importance of Words…

    What does word do for us? The story that I picked was about the importance of a language and the role that words play in our life. This story talked about people who did not have any language. As Susan was very surprised seeing a 27 year old man without having any language, since he ...
  13. afghanwoman

    Audio storytelling…

    Ira Glass described four important key points about creating story for radio or for TV. His first point was to know the basic of the story which is the two important parts to the story. First is the anecdote which is a story in its purest form, which follows one after another; this form gives ...
  14. afghanwoman

    A Glimpse of Week three…

    Storytelling vs. Digital storytelling… Yes it did, since I learned more about Digital storytelling. This week I got to tell a story by using five photos and describing a shape of a story by using some kind of media which I used YouTube. I learn how attractive a story can be by using media. ...
  15. afghanwoman

    A glimpse of week three…

    by Yes it did, since I learned more about Digital storytelling. This week I got to tell a story by using five photos and describing a shape of a story by using some kind of media which I used YouTube. I learn how attractive a story can be by using media.  Secondly it is easier ...
  16. afghanwoman

    This entry has no title posted on September 13, 2012

    Five Card Story: The Importance of Friends in our life a Five Card Flickr story created by afghanwoman flickr photo by krutscjo flickr photo by Serenae flickr photo by bionicteaching flickr photo by bionicteaching flickr photo by bionicteaching Aristotle says “Friendship is a single soul dwelling in two bodies.” Good Friends are gift from God; ...
  17. afghanwoman

    Appreciation of past DS106 Stories

    I picked a story called Ghostly Lullaby Dream Story by Samirah Tamimi.  I chose this audio because I found it really inspiring, and touching. It shows how much a mother cares for her child; it is really hard to raise a child but a mother does it with love. This story was a representative of ...
  18. afghanwoman

    Shape of my story

    The story that I chose is based on one of the shapes that Vonnegut explained.   This shape which represents the story of a girl being sad about her life since nothing goes well for her. But still her wish for a prince gives her a hope for a better tomorrow. But suddenly everything goes worse ...
  19. afghanwoman

    Storytelling vs. Digital storytelling

    Story telling is the act of entertaining, educating a particular group of audience. Story telling is something that has always been around. It was used for different purposes such us giving knowledge about something or sharing thoughts and opinions or more likely to entertain one. We heard our parents tell us stories and our teachers ...
  20. afghanwoman

    my Right caused my anger

      This photo shows how hard it can be when you wish to have something that is yours and you have a complete right over it but you can not have it because of the specific culture that you share or becuase of the place you live in. therefore when something like that happens to me I get so angry.
  21. afghanwoman

    A journey of bootcamping

    In week one I was really nervous because I had no ideas what social media is all about, fortunately I feel more comfortable by week two. I gained a lot even though it has only been two weeks. Bootcamp was a great experience for me because through that I gained the comfort of using social ...
  22. afghanwoman

    Be Proud use Creative Commons

    Creative commons are copyright license; these licenses allow creators to communicate which rights they reserve, and which rights they waive for the benefit of recipients or other creators. And creative commons are not used instead of copyright but are based upon it. Creative commons was founded by Lawrence Lessig, Hal Abelson, and Eric Eldred. Lawrence ...

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