Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92857 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Alexis Zirpmoulis


    This semester was an eventful one! When I saw the syllabus the first week of class I was afraid for what I had gotten myself into. I thought signing up for this class was the biggest mistake. But, boy was I wrong. I absolutely loved this class. Yes, when looking over your first week’s syllabus […]
  2. Alexis Zirpmoulis

    Week 15

    So I just realized that our final projects are due next Friday! This is great but so terrible at the same time. I was up until 12:30 last night working on my project and have been adding what I thought would be the finishing touches for the past 2 hours!  Thankfully, I noticed as I […]
  3. Alexis Zirpmoulis

    Final project week 1

    I have been thinking a lot this week as to what exactly I want my final project to be focused on. After reading over my other classmate’s suggestions and ideas I have a few different ideas and topics in mind but I have not come to a final decision yet. I know which assignment bank […]
  4. Alexis Zirpmoulis


  5. Alexis Zirpmoulis

    My final showcase

    There were a lot of wonderful, creative, and fun assignments that I came across within the past week.  However, my top favorites are listed below.  Check them out! This is the very first assignment that caught my attention this week.  The title really caught my eye since it was titled “Finding Nemo’s new family” anyone […]
  6. Alexis Zirpmoulis

    Weekly Summary

    This week was not terrible, but it was not a breeze either. I feel like this week I really gained a better feel for movie maker and gained much more knowledge about it. The daily creates this week were not as fun and lively as they have been these past few weeks. Remixes were new […]
  7. Alexis Zirpmoulis

    Remix Part 2

    I chose to remix a mashup assignment that I completed a few weeks ago.  For the original assignment I chose to make a collage of my friend and the monkey emoji side by side.  My friend is covering her mouth just like the monkey is doing so.  For the remix we had to edit different things throughout the photo and […]
  8. Alexis Zirpmoulis

    Remix Part 1

    My first assignment that I chose to remix was “what’s in your bag?” I completed this assignment a few weeks ago and showed everyone my everyday essentials that I always keep in my purse. This is my original assignment that I posted a few weeks ago.. As you can see I gave you all a […]
  9. Alexis Zirpmoulis

    Hey Talky Tina

    For this assignment I used an app on my phone called cut me in.  I screen shot a picture of Talky Tina on my phone and cropped it a little. I then uploaded Talky Tina’s head into the picture and edited around the edges a little more. I sent the finished product to my email […]
  10. Alexis Zirpmoulis


    For this assignment I found a MySpace logo on Google and cropped the “Space” of the logo out.  I also found a Facebook logo on Google and cropped the “book” logo out.  I used paint to crop and combine the two images into one.
  11. Alexis Zirpmoulis


    1. 2. 3.
  12. Alexis Zirpmoulis

    Daily Creates

    http:// @ds106dc #tdc1402 — Alexis Zirpmoulis (@azirpmoulis) November 10, 2015 For this daily create I chose to use an older photo of the Chincoteague Island bridge. I searched online for images of the Chincoteague bridge, originally I had planned to use a newer photo of the bridge since they have recently remodeled it.  However, […]
  13. Alexis Zirpmoulis

    Blairā€™s favorite character

    I decided to incorporate Blair (my host character) with this assignment.  Blair grew up watching Full House on Nick at night.  Blair used to watch this show in her late years of elementary school / middle school but still watches re-runs to this day.  Michelle is Blair’s favorite character on the show because she portrays […]
  14. Alexis Zirpmoulis

    White everything

    For this assignment I took pictures of everything white I saw throughout the day.  I emailed the photos that I took on my phone to my email address and uploaded them onto Movie Maker.  I used the song “all white everything” by Young Jeezy because I couldn’t think of any other song that was non-Christmas […]
  15. Alexis Zirpmoulis

    Transformation Tuesday!

    For this assignment I found different YouTube clips from the Olsen twins from Full House, a birthday movie they made, and a recent interview they had.  I downloaded the videos to an MP4 converter so I was able to add the clips onto movie maker.  After I was finished editing the clips on movie maker […]
  16. Alexis Zirpmoulis

    Blairs doc!

    For this assignment I used movie maker to record my video.  I then found the above pictures off of google to incorporate into my video.  I searched on YouTube for a short sound clip and I liked the one that I attached in the video.  After I was complete I uploaded the video to WordPress!
  17. Alexis Zirpmoulis

    Weekly Summary

    This week was not as bad as I expected it to be! I was really worried about the video assignments for this week since we had to complete sixteen assignments! Sixteen assignments sound like a lot however, they were all fairly easy. The only video that I was absolutely dreading to create was the mini […]
  18. Alexis Zirpmoulis

    Weeks worth of comments!

  19. Alexis Zirpmoulis

    Daily Creates for the week!

    http:// @ds106dc #tdc1395 cremaaaaaa 😏 — Alexis Zirpmoulis (@azirpmoulis) November 3, 2015 Daily create 11/03/2015 I used a selfie of myself and edited on my phone using Instagram.  I chose to use the “Crema” filter on Instagram. http:// @ds106dc #tdc1394 — Alexis Zirpmoulis (@azirpmoulis) November 3, 2015 Daily Create 11/02/2015 I decided to […]
  20. Alexis Zirpmoulis

    Almost thereā€¦.

        I made a major boo boo this week.  I have no clue why I procrastinated so long to do my work!?! I mean I think part of it was the fact that I was dreading recording any type of video.  I was dreading even looking at the assignment bank for this week because […]
  21. Alexis Zirpmoulis

    I should of chose my dog

        Sorry that my video is so lame.. I should of chose to take photos of my dog throughout the day but instead you all can see I chose my cat “Alley”  Alley does not really do much all day long as you can probably tell from the photos.  We found Alley and about […]
  22. Alexis Zirpmoulis

    Walk to the Gulfā€¦

      For this assignment I chose to use a video that I had taken while walking to a beach in Florida.  I thought that the scenery was beautiful!  I recorded this video on my phone, uploaded the video onto my YouTube app, and then logged onto my computer to embed the video.  I hope this […]
  23. Alexis Zirpmoulis

    Comments galore


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