Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92857 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Alexis Zirpmoulis

    Daily Creates

    #tdc1359 @ds106dc — Alexis Zirpmoulis (@azirpmoulis) September 28, 2015   http:// #tdc1360 @ds106dc minute maid — Alexis Zirpmoulis (@azirpmoulis) September 29, 2015 http:// @ds106dc #tdc1361 — Alexis Zirpmoulis (@azirpmoulis) September 30, 2015
  2. Alexis Zirpmoulis

    Go Jim! it’s yaaaaa birthday!

    When I saw this assignment I got kind of excited.  Well I became even more excited when I realized that the assignment was worth 4.5 stars!  Malibus most wanted is easily one of my favorite movies, soooo of course I had to edit Jim’s face into this scene.  As you can see JIM is currently […]
  3. Alexis Zirpmoulis

    Weekly Summary

    I was kind of dreading the topic of this week. As I mentioned in my previous posts I absolutely hate how my voice sounds when listening back on videos / audio. It took me awhile to pick a few assignments from the assignment bank just for the simple fact that I didn’t want to talk, […]
  4. Alexis Zirpmoulis

    Radio show idea?

    Creating different radio show topics is rather quite hard for me. I am not the type of person to think of a random idea and come up with a thousand different creative ways to talk about different things. I am more of the type of person that if you give me a topic to write […]
  5. Alexis Zirpmoulis

    A day in the life of Blair…

    Blair is my host character for this semester.  As you all may know Blair is currently unemployed due to past trauma that she has encountered.  Blair has a morning routine which she faithfully follows on an everyday basis.  I have recorded sounds from Blair’s morning routine to share with you all.  Try to guess what […]
  6. Alexis Zirpmoulis

    Audio reflections

    Audio storytelling has definitely been new to me this week. I never really thought about the importance, process, or all of the details that actually went into audio storytelling. The importance of audio in digital storytelling impacts the emotions and feelings that the listener feels. Previous to this week, I never really thought about creating […]
  7. Alexis Zirpmoulis

    Weekly Summary

    This week was hard for me! I was not feeling that great at the beginning of the week and put off the majority of my work load until Thursday.  Luckily, I took off from work on Thursday so I had a whole day of catching up on DS106 to do.  I was not too stressed […]
  8. Alexis Zirpmoulis

    Photo.. uh creation

    The beginning…. Take a photo of a toy in action: My niece, Lucy at the beach this past Summer.  I had this picture saved on my phone but I had to go searching for it.  She was playing with a water squirt gun toy. Take a photo that visually represents a sound: My blow dryer! Take […]
  9. Alexis Zirpmoulis

    Daily Creates:

    #[email protected]/BbDGpXBs3o — Alexis Zirpmoulis (@azirpmoulis) September 18, 2015 @ds106dc #tdc1347 — Alexis Zirpmoulis (@azirpmoulis) September 16, 2015 http:// #tdc1346 @ds106dc because …. I’m happy 😁 — Alexis Zirpmoulis (@azirpmoulis) September 15, 2015    
  10. Alexis Zirpmoulis

    Cinematography on the Bride……

    I was tossed between which movie I should watch this week. I finally decided on watching the Bride of Frankenstein. I know this movie is basically a classic and I thought it would be interesting to watch the original film. Watching this movie was rather hard for me since the whole movie is in black […]
  11. Alexis Zirpmoulis

    Photography in the eyes of Alexis

    Photography has always been fun for me.  I remember when I was in sixth grade my parents bought me a digital camera for Christmas.  I was so excited, especially that my digital camera came with a mini printer that would directly print any photo that I wanted on my new camera.  I was so excited […]
  12. Alexis Zirpmoulis

    My top 5

    Santorini, Greece- When I first arrived in Santorini it was about 10 o’clock at night and really dark.  We had a bus that picked us up from the ferry port that would drive us to our villa that we would be staying at for the next 4 days.  I remember being really scared because we […]
  13. Alexis Zirpmoulis

    Before I die….

    I have a lot of things on my bucket list that I plan to do however, these four things are pretty high on my list.  I actually had to sit down and think about all of the things that I wanted to accomplish during my life.  The list went on and on but these were […]
  14. Alexis Zirpmoulis

    Everyday Essentials

    When I saw this assignment I kind of got a little excited.. Ok, I got really excited!  Everyone is always asking me why I carry such a big purse all of the time.  I mean the bags that I carry around are huge and come in handy when I go to the movies so I […]
  15. Alexis Zirpmoulis

    My animals are cuter than yours!

    These are my cute and crazy animals! I have two red eared sliders named Ice and Coco.  I know what you all are thinking.. and yes, I did name my turtles after Ice-T and Coco.  I have had my two turtles for about 5 years now and they mean so much to me!  I received […]
  16. Alexis Zirpmoulis

    Paranormal Cross Figure

    Last winter I had just took a shower, got dressed, and combed through my hair. I quickly tied my hair up into a big bun on top of my head. I walked into the living room and my dad was like … “uhm why do you have a cross on the back of your head?” […]
  17. Alexis Zirpmoulis

    Week 03 Summary:

    I will start off my saying I think I may love this class so far. This class has actually been pretty fun and is the most exciting course that I am enrolled in this semester. I have definitely been enjoying all of our weekly assignments and am learning an abundance of new information each week. […]
  18. Alexis Zirpmoulis

    Vonnegut- The Lottery

    The Shape of Stories by Kurt Vonnegut was different and interesting to watch. I feel like Vonnegut interprets stories in a totally different way than most of us do. I attempted to apply Vonnegut’s method to “The Lottery”. The way that Vonnegut expresses stories has a more straightforward and plain explanation. At the beginning of […]
  19. Alexis Zirpmoulis

    Daily Creates:

      THE BITTLE MERMAID 🐠💁🏽🐬 #[email protected]/bqGtxcFnjr — Alexis Zirpmoulis (@azirpmoulis) September 11, 2015     Not all oceans are big,blue,and have an abundance of fish.My ocean was shaped like a circle, green, and only had two ducks #tdc1341@ds106dc — Alexis Zirpmoulis (@azirpmoulis) September 10, 2015     Crab- Can you just be quiet for one […]
  20. Alexis Zirpmoulis

    Meet Blair!

    Hello all, My name is Blair and I am twenty-three years old. I have dark hair and very pale porcelain skin. I am shy and am not much of a talker so being a host character is going to definitely be taking me out of my comfort zone. I was kindly asked to be the […]
  21. Alexis Zirpmoulis

    WEEK #2 Assignment Bank

    Everyone has one of me in their house for emergencies I would hope. I am not used on an everyday basis but I am there when you need me most. I stand straight and do not slouch although, I am not too tall. I have a rubber face and a wooden sleek body frame. I […]
  22. Alexis Zirpmoulis

    Horror Stories

    The Lottery: I won’t lie, I was actually pretty excited when I saw that this was one of our readings this week. I read this short story in one of my many English classes I took when I was attending community college. I still remembered bits and pieces of the story however; I reread the […]
  23. Alexis Zirpmoulis

    Week 02 Summary:

    All I can say is this week went by super-fast!  I can most definitely say that week two was much smoother than week one was.  After a lot of practice I think I may actually be getting the hang of WordPress.  I really enjoyed using the assignment bank this week.  At first I was kind […]

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