Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92934 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.
This is my final blog post for the ds106 assignments but I’m sure I’ll be back! For my final assignment I have to end on a light note, and what’s better than a funny gif of a dog?! Animals doing … Continue reading →
A Changing Character “For this assignment you need to pick any chacter and follow thier progression that they have had (TV characters from a long standing TV show will probably be best). Use video clips to show how the character … Continue reading →
I imagine you’ve all heard of a Time Lapse? Well if you haven’t it’s pretty simple, really long video of anything you want and then sped up so things happen at super sonic speeds. So my assignment for today is … Continue reading →
Create Your Own Room I thought this assignment would be easy, all I’ve ever wanted to do is build and create my own house, including the bedroom! however, I forgot how indecisive i am… This assignment really interests me because … Continue reading →
Emotions Through Sound “Try to convey a certain emotion, such as fear, stress, sadness, etc. by combing sound effects. They can be human sounds, such as crying with laughter in the background, to maybe express someone’s fears or being embarrassed, … Continue reading →
Okay my boyfriend would freak a little at this… But for my final design assignment I chose ‘Wedding Invitation‘, where you design a wedding invitation, and what girl doesn’t like planning their future wedding?! So using Canva, you can create … Continue reading →
Don’t get your hopes up, I’m not showing you my brilliant collection of shoes… Mainly because I seriously only wear like only one pair of shoes.. BUT, I will be creating my own pair of shoes, Nike Trainers in fact. So … Continue reading →
For this assignment, now onto the design assignments, I chose the ‘Tattoos 4 life‘, this assignment gets you to design a tattoo you would like and to put it against all different to create a tattoo that has different emotions … Continue reading →
So if you didn’t know, I love travelling… so for my final Visual assignment I chose to do a ‘Story Map‘. This assignment gets you to create a travel map, of either places where you have been or an adventure … Continue reading →
For another Visual Assignment, I decided to do the ‘Colour Change‘ assignment. This consists of taking a picture, or using a picture that you had already taken and then changing the Hue of it, which i did in Photoshop. So … Continue reading →
“So… Everyone should have a bucket list. What’s on yours? For this assignment you should create a collage with AT LEAST four pictures of four different things you have on your bucket list. Add text to your picture of what … Continue reading →
For my first daily create for this unit i chose the ‘Happy Pace‘ create, to share where your happy place is! I decided that my happy place was on holiday with my boyfriend, i would love to say that we … Continue reading →
So for an audio assignment we had to create a sound only using sound effect we found online at freesounds. After we picked our sounds and genre we had to put the pieces together to create a bit of a … Continue reading →
For my third daily create unit, I chose to do ‘The 8th Day‘, For my extra day of the week i decided to call is simply ‘Anuvva Day’ simply because then you’d have another day in the week to spend … Continue reading →
For my third daily create unit, I chose to do ‘The 8th Day‘, For my extra day of the week i decided to call is simply ‘Anuvva Day’ simply because then you’d have another day in the week to spend … Continue reading →
So there’s this new, well new to me, thing on Flickr called the Five Card Flickr Story. Basically you chose 5 pictures and then you have to try and create a story out of these pictures, if you’re quite creative … Continue reading →
So there’s this new, well new to me, thing on Flickr called the Five Card Flickr Story. Basically you chose 5 pictures and then you have to try and create a story out of these pictures, if you’re quite creative … Continue reading →
So recently I watched Kurt Vonnegut’s video on the Shapes of Stories, incase you haven’t seen this video you can watch it here. Kurt goes on to explain the ups and downs on stories, i will admit, at first it’s … Continue reading →
So recently I watched Kurt Vonnegut’s video on the Shapes of Stories, incase you haven’t seen this video you can watch it here. Kurt goes on to explain the ups and downs on stories, i will admit, at first it’s … Continue reading →
Daily create #1: To start off my daily creates for this unit, I chose this first daily create called ‘Your mood today‘, I have to put some pictures together to describe how I’m feeling. SO! I’m tired, I’m ill, … Continue reading →
Daily create #1: To start off my daily creates for this unit, I chose this first daily create called ‘Your mood today‘, I have to put some pictures together to describe how I’m feeling. SO! I’m tired, I’m ill, … Continue reading →
Social media Faceboook? Twitter? Instagram? Snapchat? Youtube? There is a lot of social media services, so, what is social media? Social media is a service we use everyday, and i can honestly say that almost everybody uses social media, even … Continue reading →
Social media Faceboook? Twitter? Instagram? Snapchat? Youtube? There is a lot of social media services, so, what is social media? Social media is a service we use everyday, and i can honestly say that almost everybody uses social media, even … Continue reading →
Grease is the GIF Well my chosen Gif anyway! For our first assignment we had to chose our favourite, or least favourite movie, and then go on to create a GIF out of it for the ds106 page. I decided … Continue reading →