Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92861 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @AmyLGonzales1

    ILT 5340 – Final Reflection

    As we come to the end of this summer class it seems like a whirlwind.  I look back at my first week of blogs and it feels like I just wrote them yesterday and at the same time feels like it had to be months ago.  I have grown more confident from this class.  My fear […]
  2. @AmyLGonzales1

    Week #7 – Reflection

    I feel good about my accomplishments this week.  I love blogging (didn’t think I would say that when I started this class).  Blogging has helped me process the information I am taking in and see it on paper.  As I am starting my final reflection project, I am noticing that blogging is a great resource for […]
  3. @AmyLGonzales1


    This week our required reading was from Nilsson (2010): Developing Voice in Digital Storytelling through Creativity, Narrative, and Multimodality.  My greatest take away from the reading was the word INSPIRATION.  The dictionary definition of inspiration is: inspiration noun in·spi·ra·tion \ˌin(t)-spə-ˈrā-shən, -(ˌ)spi-\ Simple Definition of inspiration something that makes someone want to do something or that […]
  4. @AmyLGonzales1

    Letterboxing Gone Digital!!

    A few weeks ago, I reviewed a digital story about letterboxing.  I love letterboxing but my app has not been working lately and it is making it difficult to letterbox on the fly!  I had heard about Geocache but had not had time to figure out how you do it.  After watching several videos, I […]
  5. @AmyLGonzales1

    Summer Memories

    In our ILT 5340 class, we were given the freedom to choose any project from the DS106 Assignment Bank and focus on our chosen theme for the semester.  I chose Visual Assignment 1890, You In Collage Form.  The instructions were to make a collage of images, words or both that are special to you.   […]
  6. @AmyLGonzales1

    @Wk 6 Reflection #Thoughts

    The beginning of this week seems like a lifetime ago… I decided that my ds106 Choice Assignment would be about a family trip to Hanging Lake (I am loving my themed assignments by the way – my family has been able to discover things we have always wanted to do but can’t seem to remember to […]
  7. @AmyLGonzales1

    All By Myself (think song here) – Reading Response 6

    Our required reading for this week came from Lankshear and Knobel (2011) Ch7: Social Learning, “Push” and “Pull” and Building Platforms for Collaborative Learning.  After reading through the material and the amazing annotations from my group members, my resounding thought was, “Experience is the best teacher”.  Students need to be actively engaged in their work and […]
  8. @AmyLGonzales1

    You Are My Sunshine – Music Video

    This week in INTE 5340, we were given the option of choosing a project from the DS106 Assignment Bank that explored our theme for the semester.  I choose to do Video Assignment 1447 – Create a Music Video.  In this assignment, we were asked to create our own music video to a song. My theme […]
  9. @AmyLGonzales1

    Surprise! Four Wheeling – Emoj

    This week’s assignment for ds106 mashup #1508 was to take a picture of a friend doing something just like an emoji and mash them together.  My family went four wheeling on the Switzerland Trail during the afternoon on the 4th of July.  This trip was part of my theme for the semester, Exploring Your Own […]
  10. @AmyLGonzales1

    Week 4 Reflection

    It is already week 4!  Wow!  My goal from last week was to get things done earlier in the week and that happened, except for my reflection.  Good.  Once again, I had a great time working on the Daily Creates and I was able to put into practice several of the tools and skills I […]
  11. @AmyLGonzales1

    Fear of the Blog! – Wk 4 Reading Response

    This week our reading was from Davis and Merchant (2007) Ch8: Looking From the Inside Out:  Academic Blogging as a New Literacy.  My overall take away from the reading was that yes, blogging is social, blogging is a way to get your ideas and thoughts out there immediately, blogging creates community and inspires conversations, a […]
  12. @AmyLGonzales1

    Vintage – Mt. Falcon

      For the ds106 design challenge, I chose to work on DesignAssignment 1770 – Vintage-ify a place.  My theme for this semester is exploring your own backyard with your children.  We had recently hiked Mt. Falcon in Indian Hills, Colorado (about 20 minutes from our home) and I thought it would be a great “memory” type piece […]
  13. @AmyLGonzales1

    Busy, Busy! Week 3 Reflection

      This week was full of unexpected guests and musicals. Sometimes you just have those weeks that make it difficult to get things done in the timely fashion you had planned.  But, everything did get done.  The video assignment was fun and I found more places for my family to visit over the summer.  For […]
  14. @AmyLGonzales1

    DIY – Not just about Pinterest

    Confession:  I am a DIY Pinterest fan!  Huge DIY Pinterest fan.  I have over 318 “pins” just waiting to be created so when I read the title of our required reading this week, I was intrigued: Lankshear and Knobel (2008) Ch.1: DIY Media: A Contextual Background and Some Contemporary Themes.  DIY in media?  What is […]
  15. @AmyLGonzales1

    Colorado Fun Compilation Video

      When my family began to talk about going on vacation this year, we had many places we wanted to visit but because of circumstances, going far away or to the beach (where we really wanted to go) was not possible this year.  One evening I was sharing with my husband that growing up in Missouri, […]
  16. @AmyLGonzales1

    She Likes it, She Really, Really Likes It!

    Week #2 of Digital Storytelling is almost complete and guess what?  I am really enjoying this class.  The first week was overwhelming only because of the uncertainty of leaving the familiarity and safety of the Canvas platform and being nudged into the world of the unknown.   This week, I felt like I knew where […]
  17. @AmyLGonzales1

    The Monster Mash

    This week our reading for ILT 5340 at UC Denver was from Lankshear and Knobel (2011) Ch4: New Literacies and Social Learning Practices of Digital Remixing.  This chapter explored the many ways that remixing happens.  I had heard of remixing music and have done a little bit of this for music class.  I love putting songs […]
  18. @AmyLGonzales1

    Letterboxing – Digital Story Critique #2

      This week I choose to critique a story centered around my focal theme: Exploring your own backyard with your children.  A few years ago I read about letterboxing in a Family Fun magazine and decided to try it out with our family.  We love letterboxing! It is a great way to get the family […]
  19. @AmyLGonzales1

    Sweet Dreams and Memories

    For our audio assignment in ILT 5340, I choose Audio Assignment 1601 titled Solo Vocal Trio from DS106.  For this assignment, we were required to record our voice three times singing the same song.  We were not allowed to use effects nor edit the tracks.  I chose a special song that I used to sing to […]
  20. @AmyLGonzales1

    A Week of Firsts!

    So many new things happened this week!  I had never heard of before, tweeted over one tweet in a week, really understood twitter #@, experienced ds106, blogged more than 3 times in a week (and tweeted about it), or had a class that functioned for the most part outside of Canvas.  Oh, I forgot […]
  21. @AmyLGonzales1

    Digital Story Critique #1

    I found an interesting digital story from the website StoryCenter formally known as The Center for Digital Storytelling.  The website serves as a place for people to share their stories to help change lives and communities.  The three traits from Jason Ohler that I chose to focus on were: Originality, Voice, and Creativity Media Application Sense […]
  22. @AmyLGonzales1

    Tweet, Tweet, Let’s Collaborate

    To be honest, when I first started my master’s program I was selfish and frightened.  Selfish in the fact that I wanted to do my own work on my own time and I did not feel like I had the time or energy to collaborate. Terrible, I know.   Frightened because it had been a […]
  23. @AmyLGonzales1

    There Is A Hole in My Bucket

    “There’s a hole in my bucket, dear Liza, dear Liza.  There’s a hole in my bucket, dear Liza, a hole.”   As I was browsing through the DS106 visual choices for my next assignment, I was drawn to the bucket list option.  Why?  Sometimes life gets so busy that we forget to dream and realize […]
  24. @AmyLGonzales1

    Happiness, Love, and Summer

    For my Daily Create on DS 106, I was asked to show three things that have made me happy recently.  Summer makes me happy!  Knowing that this class was going to start up soon, my family took off for a quick trip last week to visit my extended family in Missouri .    We had a […]

ds106 in[SPIRE]