Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92857 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. BeShort

    Final Project: Stop Saying What It Is

    I am happy to close out my DS106 work this semester by making something completely analog but that is only made possible by the work that I completed as an open online student in UMW’s DS106 Digital Storytelling class. The project is called “Stop Saying What It Is.” BACKGROUND:  When I was 21, I traveled ...
  2. BeShort

    Bagman4Prez Radio Ad: “Making the Sausage”

      Radio Ad: “Making the Sausage”   This one was pretty fun. I just used Audition to record clips from the recent GOP primary debate and an old clip of President Obama attacking Senator John McCain four years ago, then mixed it up with my voice (still playing with pitch and speed). The music I ...
  3. BeShort

    Thank you, Dr. Long!

      Sounds from Arkham Asylum–”Oooh, a Gas Mask!” This took more time than I thought it would. First, I downloaded the episode from YouTube, then I ripped the audio using RealPlayer. The idea was to go through the audio and just pull out the Scarecrow’s lines, but thirty minutes is a lot of time to ...
  4. BeShort

    Bagman4Prez Radio Ad: “Spangled”

    I really like how this came out. I did all the parts (except the star spangled banner, that’s Jimi). For the “In a world” stuff, I went to Effects>Time and Pitch>Stretch and Pitch, and used that to shift the tone down and slow it down (some of it was too slow, and I had to ...
  5. BeShort

    Celebrity Interview!

    This clip had been playing all over the place, and so I had to do SOMETHING with it. This was a quick assignment (probably don’t deserve the four stars; one feels too generous, actually) but I still like how it turned out. I used Audition (sprang for it last week) and just split Romney’s response ...
  6. BeShort

    BAGMAN2012: “Daisy”

      So this one took longer than I thought. First I cut around the shot of Bagman dressed up like the girl from the “Daisy” ad (notice the white blouse, and the clip art flower in front). Then I had to shrink the background from the original shot; I took about a sixth of the ...
  7. BeShort

    They Blog, They Lion

      Minimal is the new black. These were all created in Gimp (the font is Gentium Basic), and the silhouettes are all from the public domain clip art site Clker, which totally totally rocks, esp. for silhouettes. The first three are all from the opening (see below), and the last is from Mr. Bates (go ...
  8. BeShort

    Out, vile blog post! Where is thy luster now?

      How do make a Minimalist even more minimal? By remaking a brick sculpture out of paper blocks. This is supposed to be a joke, a little. Let’s say it’s 10-15% just a joke. Here is a photo of the original, which I think is in the Tate?–>“Equivalent VIII”–Below are some photos of the final ...
  9. BeShort

    Creator Log: TDC 19 (2), 20, 21

    TDC 19: Bagman Tells a Joke–Take 2   This one hasn’t received as many comments? So maybe it was too obscure, the mash of punchlines? My wife laughed politely, but was sort of confused? So maybe it’s only funny to me? Also, sentences phrased as questions?     TDC 20: Tree Just snapped this one ...
  10. BeShort

    Creator Log: TDC 16, 17, 18, Web Stuff

      TDC16: Ugly–>Beautiful I went out into Ann Arbor (walking to campus, for work) not really knowing where I was going to find the ugly to make beautiful. What I started to do, was I started taking pictures of trees. I centered the trees in the picture, tried to get different kinds of trees, different ...
  11. BeShort

    Creator Log: TDC 12, 13, 14

    TDC 12: Make a thirty second news break about something that happened to you today.     When I was a kid, my dad and I used to make fake news segments, with both of us anchoring the show and just cracking jokes back and forth. This really reminded me of that, just a bunch ...

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