Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92890 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. aqsaz430

    Final Blog for DS106

    Digital Storytelling-DS 106 with Martha Burtis. Wow. This class was not what I expected. The first impression I had of the class was when I received that Email from Martha before the course began. I thought I was going to … Continue reading
  2. aqsaz430

    Final Blog for DS106

    Digital Storytelling-DS 106 with Martha Burtis. Wow. This class was not what I expected. The first impression I had of the class was when I received that Email from Martha before the course began. I thought I was going to be DOOMED! “This class is very technology intensive”…that was just the beginning of the email. ...
  3. aqsaz430

    The Shades of Arlington

    For my final project, I chose to do a color scheme digital video. The video shows numerous pictures that follow the order of RED ORANGE YELLOW GREEN BLUE INDIGO PURPLE and PINK.  I really enjoyed this assignment, I had fun taking the pictures and editing them. The frustrating part was finding a song to go ...
  4. aqsaz430

    “Separation” of Church and State

    In God We Trust, the Pledge of Allegiance, Birth Control… All common everyday practices that are under critisicm under the ideas of separation of church and state. I, myself, have always been confused on where the United States of America truly stands on this principle. It was really interesting to know that the phrase Seperation ...
  5. aqsaz430

    Final Project

    For my final digital video project I have decided to make a video that shows the colors from black to yellow, fading out from color to color. All the images would be of objects or things in nature. They would vary from buildings to flowers to people’s clothing to cars. My goal for this project ...
  6. aqsaz430

    Final Project

    For my final digital video project I have decided to make a video that shows the colors from black to yellow, fading out from color to color. All the images would be of objects or things in nature. They would … Continue reading
  7. aqsaz430

    Switched at Birth…?

    The fourth This American Life episode, Switched at Birth, was very interesting. Not only is there a new show on ABC family called “Switched at Birth”, but it was also the episode we were to watch this week. It is absolutely mind boggling and upsetting to me that this really occurs way more than it ...
  8. aqsaz430


    The Daily Shoot becomes the DAILY FUCK-UP. excuse my language. First, I wanted this page to basically be the moments one has when something happens and our first thought is “AH! DID THAT REALLY JUST HAPPEN?” I put together pictures … Continue reading
  9. aqsaz430


    The Daily Shoot becomes the DAILY FUCK-UP. excuse my language. First, I wanted this page to basically be the moments one has when something happens and our first thought is “AH! DID THAT REALLY JUST HAPPEN?” I put together pictures of various moments, such as a bad haircut, misspelled tattoo, mismatching socks, etc. Unfortunately, some ...
  10. aqsaz430

    That ‘someone’ surely was not me.

    Rationalize the Killings to get rid of the guilt. That is the line that stuck with me throughout this whole third episode of This American Life, Recordings for Someone. It thought the third act with the Persian/Gulf war Veteran was pretty interesting. I always knew that within a war…ofcourse there is bloodshed and deaths. But to hear ...
  11. aqsaz430

    …It’s more than just running your mouth.

    Today we turned in our segment about our ‘Doggy Days of Summer’ for the class radio show. I worked with Zarar for this assignment, and I have to say it was great working with him! (owagadugu ) HOWEVER, this assignment was very frustrating in the beginning. I initially had a good time doing the small ...
  12. aqsaz430

    All this blabbering and talking finally paid off

    For this weeks assignment on creating our own radio segment for the DS 106 class, the topic/theme of our radio show is “Doggy Days of Summer.” This refers to the scorching hot days of that summer vacation. For this project, Zarar and I will be working together to come up with our own 10 minute ...
  13. aqsaz430

    Two Different Realms…

    For my last assignment I decided to do the “Common Everyday Object” that is meant to take a picture of a common everyday object and then to manipulate the colors. While a rose may not be an every day object, it is still something we see everyday in our lives. Especcially in the fast paced ...
  14. aqsaz430

    “Do you like…cheese?”

    This assignment is the “Four Icon Challenge”. One simply picks a movie and picks only four icons that represent the movie, that are all visual, and no text. This sounds really simple. However, I found it to be somewhat complicated. The execution of this assignment was not my difficult part, but rather the thinking process ...
  15. aqsaz430

    That’s me!…but wait…no its not!

    This assignment is the “We’ve Found Your Match” I initially started with my friend Tristrian. When I first met him a couple years ago, he had braids and we always used to say he looked like this one R&B singer named, Trey Songz. Ironically, when Trey Songz ended up cutting his braids off…Tristrian happened to ...
  16. aqsaz430


    Initially I had planned on doing my four visual assignments on, “The Big Caption”, “On This Day”, “Newspaper Blackout Story”, “Buddy Photo” or “Find Yourself”. After a good five or six days of working on these assignments, I’ve changed my mind about three or four times. I have great ideas (atleast I think they’re pretty ...
  17. aqsaz430

    Not So Powerless Children

    When I initially saw this title, Cruelty of Children, I pictured something completely different. I honestly thought this episode of This American Life would have been about cruelty towards children; abuse, domestic violence, etc. But instead, in each story it was a child who had power and controlled the emotions (and with one story-the life) ...
  18. aqsaz430

    The Big Caption

    The first assignment I completed was The Big Caption, by taking a photo and adding my own comment/text to it and changing its meaning. I initially was not sure if my caption would be inappropriate, but after some discussion, I decided to submit the picture. For the record, I have no intention whatsoever to offend, ...
  19. aqsaz430

    Alumni, Athletics, Alcohol

    They say majority of party schools have a large population, a football team, a big fraternity life, amongst other factors. I, myself, used to attend a university that did not have a large population, but had a very successful football team, and big fraternity life. The tailgates had more students participating, compared to how many ...
  20. aqsaz430

    Laying the creativity on the table…

    This week for class, we must choose 4 visual and design assignments to complete. I’ve always admired the logos, catchy phrases and pictures companies, movie advertisements, and businesses come up with. I will do my best to not take the easy way out and pick whatever I feel may be easy for me. Atleast two of my projects ...
  21. aqsaz430


    I have realized over the years how old-fashioned of a girl I am. I think rotary phones are so precious and wish to have one in my own house when I get older. I absolutely love reading and going to Barnes and Nobles for hours and browsing through the books. I will always pick writing ...

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