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  1. ash14

    Scrum Master in an Agile World

    At Brand Lounge, we deeply understand the immense power of creativity.  It is integral to our growth and the success of our clients. Embarking on a creative endeavor is an energy rich process that must be harnessed correctly in order to spark a new, previously unseen thought or for an idea significantly different from the…
  2. ash14

    Will your brand survive the digital paradigm?

       Just in case you didn’t get the memo (because we were still sending “memos” when this was news) there’s a digital revolution going on. “Pathetic!” You are thinking. “Everyone knows about digital”, but you’d be wrong, or so it seems, because I meet businesses every day that just don’t seem to get it! I…
  3. ash14

    Digital { Brand } 10 trends 2015

    This infographic from Borenstein Group sums up the main trends and resonates well with current thinking with the teams at CSync and BL. Keep the good work :) Filed under: DIGITAL BRAND Tagged: digital branding, digital marketing, mobile, social, trends
  4. ash14

    Charity Sync { SIGN UP }

    Our aim is to elevate the overall social-utility by compounding  charitable activities of individuals in their local community. We are objectively working to achieve this incrementally but in a disruptive way with few surprises under our sleeves… :) Signup to be the first to receive a sneak perview of our alpha site planned for release in…
  5. ash14

    Charity Sync { SIGN UP }

    Our aim is to elevate the social-utility contribution of individuals within their local community. We are objectively working to achieve this in an incremental & disruptive way with few surprises under our sleeve… :) Signup NOW !¡!¡ and be the first to receive a sneak peek view of our alpha site planned for release in…
  6. ash14


    For some reason the classic poem featured in Interstellar has touched me and echoed my despair in a subtle way.. DO NOT GO GENTLE INTO THAT GOOD NIGHT Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light. Though…
  7. ash14

    The Age of { Abundance }

    Our planet is witnessing a turning point as social entrepreneurs across the globe are working around the clock in an attempt to solve humanity’s grand challenges. I strongly believe that we will eventually stumble into ‘Abundance’ unintentionally where resources are super-efficiently utilised and charitable enactment becomes habitually ingrained into our daily lives. Humanity’s consciousness will leap…
  8. ash14


    BABY STEPS TOWARDS A DREAM … Get early invitation An awesome team of social entrepreneurs is stepping up to a challenge, at the heart of this project lies the concern of inequality and injustice our world is witnessing with “at least 80% of humanity lives on less than $10 a day”. According to UNICEF, 22,000…
  9. ash14

    Jack Ma and the { 40 } Tips

    What a remarkable journey Mr Ma … Failed his college entrance exam twice before succeeding on his third attempt. After schooling, received more than a dozen job rejections including KFC! to finally land on an English teaching job, earning him a mere $12 a month. Few years down the line, his entrepreneurial path has led him to two venture…
  10. ash14

    Minimum Viable Product { MVP }

    MVP in simple terms Agile thinking is the horsepower of product development (PD) and Lean can be understood as a mindset applied at every stage of both UX and PD, by incorporating research per iteration. Each iteration should lead to a Minimum Viable Product (MVP), Hence, MVP is all about experimenting and learning. Of course,…
  11. ash14

    SOLAR 3D ‘Sand’ Printing, how cool is that!

    3D printing is the build up of 3D objects from digital models, atom by atom. This is accomplished through additive processes in which successive layers of material are laid down under computer control, what is astonishing in this video is how Markus replaced the the traditional material stuff with sand and utilised the sun heat of Siwa desert…
  12. ash14

    UX { Agile vs Lean }

    No one can deny that usability and good design principles is as important as ever to insure successful user adoption of the next web app idea. More importantly is to understand what processes we can put in place to insure optimal use of time, resource and money taking into consideration market dynamics. One way to achieve this is to use a…
  13. ash14

    Computer Code Discovered In the Cosmos [1]

    Although this work is still theoretical, the current studies led by Prof S. James Gates, Jr & other physicist indicate that we live in a simulated universe. This conclusion was due to the discovery of special binary codes at the heart of String theory impeded deeply within weird looking shapes called ‘Andinkras’. I will follow up with a series…
  14. ash14

    Oculus : a new gaming paradigm

    Oculus has shifted the gaming industry to the next level with their latest product launch, one can surely ask where to draw the line between reality and virtuality…  or are we naturally transitioning from one matrix to another !  this vid is worth watching to see how we are adapting to this new paradigm …Filed under: DIGITAL PRODUCT MANAGEMENT…

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