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  1. asmith360

    More Anime Recommendations (Movies)

    I have more recommendations and this time movies are included. Disclaimer some of these movies are very well known already but if you never seen them let this list be the reason you do. Most of the anime I mention are either on Netflix or […]
  2. asmith360

    Some Beauty Bits

    I really love makeup, it is the most fun I have getting ready to go to places I hate. I also buy makeup with my own little bits of money so its all for the most part affordable. Even though most of what I have […]
  3. asmith360

    Fairly Decent People

    For a long time, especially in high school, I watched Youtube and that was my TV. I would occasionally watch Netflix but it was mainly Youtube. In high school you really wonder about who you are and where you’re going to do with your life. […]

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