Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 94975 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.
For my third video assignment I decided to change it up a little bit. I did the assignment called Where Do You Want To Go (3 stars). The original version
For my second video assignment I decided to do the Today It’s All About Me assignment (3 stars). When I first saw the assignment and its description, I automatically thought
For my first video assignment I decided to do the What’s your Skills assignment (4.5 stars). For this assignment you had to record or make a video of yourself showing
One very interesting thing that kept me engaged in the 10th episode of the third season of The Wire dealt with Cutty working on getting his gym ready for use.
I really enjoyed episode the ninth episode of of the third season. There were a couple of specific things that grabbed my attention while I was watching this episode. They
One of the things that caught my attention in episode eight of the third season of The Wire was how far Pryzbylewski has come from season one. It seems as
This week was a bit different. I liked the in[SPIRE] page and feel like it helped me get into the groove of commenting. I don’t necessarily feel that commenting is
One thing that caught my attention in the seventh episode of the third season of The Wire was the way Daniels switched the focus of the police to Stringer Bell.
The thing that I found interesting about the sixth episode is Avon Barksdale. The way he controls his men is amazing in a sense. They all obey him and they
For my second daily create I decided to do the emoji come alive. I was shaken up by this one because there aren’t many emojis dealing with African American people.
I really enjoyed The WireBuyers radio show. It was very interesting right from the start. I feel as if someone came in and was listening they would have been totally
The third piece of work that I posted to the in[SPIRE] page was this book cover created by Jeremy. I was inspired by Omar and his scar in this picture.
The second piece of work that I posted to the in[SPIRE] page was this great venn diagram made by kmahone247. The reason I decided to post this to the in[SPIRE]
The first piece of work that I posted to the in[SPIRE] page was this lovely logo created by Lauren Brumfield. The reason i posted this to the in[SPIRE] page is
This was such a short week for ds106. It was jam-packed with a lot of cool and interesting things. Let’s get right to my week. Daily Create: I did
Once again in the fourth episode of season 3 of The Wire we see Bunk and McNulty drunk. This has been a theme throughout the entire series so far. While
One thing that caught my attention in the 3rd episode of season three was Omar Little. He is always up to something and he’s one of those characters who you
What I was thinking about nonstop while watching the 2nd episode of season three of The Wire was the Barksdale organization and how it continues to run. In one of
For my my final audio assignment I decided to do the Imitate some weather assignment (1.5 stars). I didn’t really have to think this hard for this one I knew
For my second audio assignment I decided to do the So an So’s greatest hits assignment (3 stars). In this assignment you’re supposed to take music from your favorite group
For my first audio assignment I decided to do a Dramatic Reading Remix (3.5 stars). Once I saw what this assignment was about I already knew what song I was