Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92792 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Brad Kozlek

    The Smile Mix Up

    by Watch on Posterous I was catching up on some ds106, looking at this visual assignment while this audio assignment was playing.  Permalink | Leave a comment  »
  2. Brad Kozlek

    Rococop Rap

    I am addicted to this retelling of the story of Robocop as a rap. It takes ten minutes to cover the entire narrative of the film in loving detail. It gets super bonus points for including the actual recorded dialogue from the original film woven int...
  3. Brad Kozlek

    Rococop Rap

    I am addicted to this retelling of the story of Robocop as a rap. It takes ten minutes to cover the entire narrative of the film in loving detail. It gets super bonus points for including the actual recorded dialogue from the original film woven into the rhythm and rhyme.  I was born at a…
  4. Brad Kozlek

    Design Shortcut

    A little late for ds106's visual design week.  You can find a bunch of specimens at Looking through the submission there, I think it works best when there truly is a bad photo. The most common fla...
  5. Brad Kozlek

    Design Shortcut

    A little late for ds106‘s visual design week.  You can find a bunch of specimens at Looking through the submission there, I think it works best when there truly is a bad photo. The most common flaw of the submissions is that the photo is actually good. I am not sure where the original…
  6. Brad Kozlek

    Freedom, Art & Viral Media…. in 40 mins

    via This is a must watch for anyone that is reading this. For ds106ers, it should be required watching. I can’t enumerate all the ways this presentation is great, or all the great ideas and aesthetics therein. Let me just say it is a beautiful intersection of open software, open data, the internet, crowds,…
  7. Brad Kozlek

    Stirring Creativity

    Aside from all the glorious edtech rambling debates, I am seeing ds106 as really an exercise in unlocking and cultivating our personal creativity. It is a slow process for me, which saddens me, but I am still determined to work through this and emer...
  8. Brad Kozlek

    Stirring Creativity

    Aside from all the glorious edtech rambling debates, I am seeing ds106 as really an exercise in unlocking and cultivating our personal creativity. It is a slow process for me, which saddens me, but I am still determined to work through this and emerge on the other side with some creative energy flowing. I am…
  9. Brad Kozlek

    daily shoot video

    I'm spending a couple of weeks of doing daily shoot photos for the digital storytelling 106 open course. I decided in addition to taking a photo based on the guidelines, I'll also make a video each day. Today's theme was repetition. As a happy accid...
  10. Brad Kozlek

    daily shoot video

    I’m spending a couple of weeks of doing daily shoot photos for the digital storytelling 106 open course. I decided in addition to taking a photo based on the guidelines, I’ll also make a video each day. Today’s theme was repetition. As a happy accident, there might be multiple examples of repetition here, not just…
  11. Brad Kozlek

    “web 2.0 storytelling” – just getting warmed up

    The ds106 assignment for this previous week was to read O’Reilly’s “What Is Web 2.0?”,  Bryan Alexander and Alan Levine’s “Web 2.0 Storytelling: The Emergence of a New Genre”, and Seven Things You Should Know about Creative Commons. First off, for most of higher ed, the term web 2.0 is still some strange ideal that is…
  12. Brad Kozlek

    Dave Winer On Personal Publishing Infrastructure

    Thanks to @drs18 for pointing me to this post by Dave Winer on students running their own publishing infrastructure.  How strangely serendipitous that while we in ds106 are raging on about the Gardner Campbell’s “Personal Cyberinfrastructure” that Winer joins in on the net with his own take. Winer also, like Campbell in his “No More Digital Facelifts”…
  13. Brad Kozlek

    Bought and Sold | Noise Professor

    On the surface, my relationship with my webhost is fairly transparent and one-dimensional – I trade money for services/space.  My relationship with free or freemium web services is a little more murky – I become a data point in an...
  14. Brad Kozlek

    The Animated Gif As Internet Haiku

    The previous week in ds106 has been all about what I consider a uniquely internet art form, the animated gif. Yup, what was a gaudy attack on all that is good and decent has made a resurgence in some corners of the web and ds106 is riding the wave. ...
  15. Brad Kozlek

    Digital Storytelling With The Bava

    It is with great anticipation that I sign up, just in the knick of time, for Jim Groom's open, online, incarnation of his digital storytelling course, ds106. I hope I have the stamina to keep up.  The title of this blog is "a gross salu...

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