Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92856 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Brian Allen

    FDA says walnuts are illegal drugs


    Heres the read on it “Your walnut products are drugs” — and “new drugs” at that — and, therefore, “they may not legally be marketed … in the United States without an approved new drug application.” The agency even threatened Diamond with “seizure” if it failed to comply.   I made a pointless meme   The End

  2. Brian Allen

    K-State Salina Library PSA – Planning #1


    During the course of this semester, The Digital Media Project class is doing a  few video projects. Our current project is a PSA, which is limited to 30 seconds. My chosen topic is Library Services. I thought it would be something I should do because I work for the K-State Salina Library. When I did my initial brainstorming, my first thought was “Lets do a...

  3. Brian Allen

    Five good reasons why blogging is important


    Attention customers, our store is closing in ten minutes. Have you ever gotten that intercom message during your weekday trip to the store while grabbing milk and bread? Some people still don’t have 24/7 service, and it’s a typical thing in smaller towns – 7pm or 10pm – its quiting time. So how does this mambo-jumbo talk relates to our first...

  4. Brian Allen

    Heartwarming experience at State of NOW #SmallTown2012 reflects as a speaker and attendee


    The human element in IRL social networking surpasses all electronic communications   -Brian Allen- Last week, I attended the State of Now SmallTown2012 conference and all I can say at this point is overwhelming. Last year, I attend this and loved how I was able to interact with many people with different walks of life, but this year I was accepted to be a...

  5. Brian Allen

    Interviewing Questions for people who work digitally as a Pro Blogger #DigitalMedia


    For the Digital Media II course, I am asked to create a outline/draft for my digital media video that relates to “Working Digitally”. If you have questions that I should include, leave a comment that could help me!    Things I thought about using/may use • Recorded interview with Becky McCray (she co-published a book Small Town Rules and currently...

  6. Brian Allen

    Working Digital Lit Review

    Compile a comprehensive list (25+) of references for your topic on working digitally. These can be specifically related to your topic, or about working in the digital age in general. Post a brief discussion...
  7. Brian Allen

    Video Shot Types

    Using classic and/or contemporary TV and film, provide and label examples (still photos ok) of the following shot types: Establishing, Wide Shot, Medium Shot, Medium Close Up, Close Up, Extreme Close Up, Over the Shoulder, Reaction/Reverse Shot, and Dutch Angle. Also show and label one example each of a dolly, pan and a tilt (video… Continue reading
  8. Brian Allen

    Bill & Steve’s Bogus Journey (Childbook mashup)

    Instructions Design a Mashed Up Children’s Book in the style of this College Humor example. For your final piece, create a JPG image no less than 500 pixels in any dimension. Post to your blog, and submit the URL to this assignment. Be sure to use the DS106 assignment tags so it will show up on their website.  
  9. Brian Allen

    Comments 4 Kids assignment

    Assignment: Visit the Student Blogging Challenge website. Click on the Participants menu to find a list of kid bloggers who are participating in the challenge. There are blogger children from many different countries all around the world. Find 3-5 young bloggers, visit their blogs, and offer them your encouragement. For ideas on what to say,… Continue reading
  10. Brian Allen

    Your Own Country Designs

    We were asked to create our own Country including A flag, Stamp, Stationary, and a Currency Country: The United Districts of Human Social Order, HSO for short Government Style: A New form of Democracy (True Democracy) Governmental Leader: Me and my Pals Here are my designs in PDF or look below: Flag, Stamp, Stationary, Currency… Continue reading
  11. Brian Allen

    Visual Literacy Draft Proposal 1

    Brian Butters ENGL 100 Visual Literacy Draft 2 03/14/2012   The Misconception: Convicts will always be Convicts                 Many people see only what they want to see, and sometimes, the perceptions people have for ex-convicts can be blurred because of the media and cultural differences. For example, a person living ...
  12. Brian Allen

    This American Life: 460: Retraction Recap

    Assignment: This week’s This American Life is unlike any other they have ever produced. It is a retraction of the earlier story Mr. Daisey and the Apple Factory. Listen to it, reflect on it, and write about it. Are you angry about this new information are learning? If so, why ...

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