Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92861 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. ceerod630

    My Vaporwave

    I wanted to experiment with vaporwave so I looked up a rave picture because with the different colors I could make, it would look like an actual rave. I used this image: I then used a low polygon generator to edit the picture into a blurred polygonal image. Once I had it, I used Ultrapop … Continue reading "My Vaporwave"
  2. ceerod630

    My Vaporwave

    I wanted to experiment with vaporwave so I looked up a rave picture because with the different colors I could make, it would look like an actual rave. I used this image: I then used a low polygon generator to edit the picture into a blurred polygonal image. Once I had it, I used Ultrapop … Continue reading "My Vaporwave"
  3. ceerod630

    The Elections

    When I was watching the election, I couldn’t believe how it was going. I thought Hilary Clinton was going to win the 2016 Presidential Elections. I woke up the next morning to see that trump won. My reaction was a little like this: I immediately went to Facebook and Instagram only to be greeted by … Continue reading "The Elections"
  4. ceerod630

    The Election

    When I was watching the election, I couldn’t believe how it was going. I thought Hilary Clinton was going to win the 2016 Presidential Elections. I woke up the next morning to see that trump won. My reaction was a little like this: I immediately went to Facebook and Instagram only to be greeted by … Continue reading "The Election"
  5. ceerod630

    Net Art & Gif

    I made this today, experimenting with multiple websites and applications. I used the website to find a picture that appealed to me. I chose a  school bus because I thought I could have fun doing editing on the windows. Afterwards, I joined to set up the picture. Putting the image of the bus in Photoshop, I … Continue reading "Net Art & Gif"
  6. ceerod630

    Domain Name

    So I created my first website today and I have to say I feel really proud of myself. I plan on using the website to discuss art styles and create funny gifs and pictures. I still have a bit of editing to do but at least I’m on track somewhere. Here is the website:
  7. ceerod630

    Photoshop Popstars

    Here is my photoshopped picture of Will Ferrell running in the olympics, wearing a fancy suit mind you. I wanted to do more with the image but I didn’t have much time. I may work on it more in the future. Tweet Share on Tumblr
  8. ceerod630

    A Domain of One’s Own

    After reading Audrey Watters’s presentation: Beneath the Cobblestone…A Domain of One’s Own, a couple of things she mentioned really peaked my interest. When she described how data for Google worked, Audrey mentions that the data of what you search for gets collected and distributed back to you. I thought this was funny because I’ve recently … Continue reading "A Domain of One’s Own"

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