Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92856 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. cjkoenderman

    Movie Maker Demo

    My test experiment with Movie Maker. I will be using Movie Maker to make my digital story. (Please excuse the corny nature of the video and, remember, it’s just a test!!) -K  
  2. cjkoenderman

    Digital Stories

    I had the opportunity to view and listen to some digital stories for the first time today. Before reading a brief description about what a digital story is (I discovered that the name is self explanatory), I had no idea of what a digital story consisted. Telling stories via technology and/or the internet? My hunch […]
  3. cjkoenderman

    My Internet Go To aka My Internet Reliance

    My daily Internet go to cannot be easily explained without first discussing my daily technology go to: my cell phone. Sometimes I wonder what I would do without my phone; other times, I want to lock my phone in a drawer and never take it out. Nevertheless, every single morning, one of the fist things […]
  4. cjkoenderman

    I am…what I read.

    In class, we were asked to think on the question: “If you are what you read, then who are you?” This question was posed in relation to Leah Price’s New York Times article “You are What You Read.” In her article she explores the history of reading and how it has developed into many different […]
  5. cjkoenderman

    Welcome to my “kreative korner!”

    Hello, All! Welcome to my new blog, Koenderman’s Korner, written for my current university undergraduate class: English Studies in the Digital Age. I’m happy you’re following me as I navigate blogging in this “digital age.” It seems only fitting that I should include my relationship to technology in this first post. My relationship to technology […]

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